6. Pre-flight Test
• First make sure both trim tabs on your transmitter are centered
• Turn on your transmitter first, then install a charged battery into your plane.
• Holding your plane in one hand, with your fingers and loose objects away from the
propeller, move the right control stick of your transmitter all the way to the right
a. The right side of the v-tail should go down while the left side goes up.
b. Now try moving the right control stick all the way to the left. The opposite
function should occur.
• Now press the Motor Start Button on the side of the fuselage. The motor should
not start until this safety switch is pushed. Now push the left control stick forward.
The propeller should spin rapidly and stop when the control stick is back in its
neutral state
: Keep hands, clothing and loose objects away from the propeller!
7. Flying your Sky Vector
• Always fly your airplane in a nice open area free from wires, trees, and other
obstructions. For your first flight, pick a day with little or no wind. Do not fly in heavy
winds or rainy weather
• Always fully extend your antenna and turn the transmitter on first then install the flight
pack. Make sure both lights on your transmitter are illuminated. If the green light goes
dark, your transmitter batteries are low. You should land your plane and change them
right away.
• Attach your Wind Indicator Ribbon to the end of your transmitter antenna to determine
the direction of the wind. Make sure the transmitter antenna is fully extended for
maximum radio link. Always launch your airplane into the wind.
• Push the red Start Button the the side of the fuselage and push the left control stick
completely forward. Toss the plane into the wind, ensuring the plane is level with the
control stick right
control stick left
Trim Tabs