8. Once positioned in its fi nal setting press and release the VALID key on the slave it will beep 3 times very quickly
to enter normal service.
9. The master will also beep 4 times as it enters normal service. The system is now operational.
to add further C300W or stand alone P300W units (as a slave to the master) repeat
previous steps 1 to 9.
maximum extra components as slaves is 9 .
adding a D300W radio smoke detector
Do one confi guration at a time
1. To link the smoke detector to the master, open the master P300W box.
2. Place the D300W unit you wish to link next to the master unit and remove the battery isolation tag from the
underside of the smoke detector. Put the key away in the location space provided (see below on the right).
3. Within 20 seconds of removing the tag, press the clear button on the side of the D300Wsmoke detector and the
unit will beep, release the button and the LED will fl ash Blue.
4. Press the VALID button in the master unit until you hear a long beep and release.
5. The smoke detector is now linked to the master unit and will now enter the
‘signal strength’ mode.
6. Take the detector to the required location for installation, the detector will regularly beep up to 5 times to
indicate signal strength.
Number of Beeps
Signal Strength Very weak Weak
Medium Good Very good
7. If the signal strength is acceptable press the button on the side of the smoke detector and it is now paired
with the master. The system is now operational.
: to add further smoke detectors repeat previous steps 1 to 6.
0330 999 2233
www.fi redepot.co.uk
sales@fi redepot.co.uk