NRG1001 generates rectangular-like pulses with up to 10 kV amplitude
and nanosecond rise/fall times. The output pulse amplitude can be adjusted
smoothly in three times, whereas the pulse width is fixed to 10 ns. The typical
output pulse waveform (at max amplitude) is shown in Fig.1.
Generator has 50 Ohm output impedance and is equipped with 50 Ohm
output coaxial cable. It means that the native load impedance should be equal to 50
Ohm, but NRG1001 can operate also with high impedance or non-linear load.
Special internal circuit damps the reflected pulses and limits the after pulse ringing
within the acceptable range. The maximum output pulse amplitude is 5 kV while
the generator operates with matched 50 Ohm load. However, the load impedance
is higher in most of practical applications which gives up to double output pulse
voltage on the load.
There are internal and external triggering operation modes, which can be
chosen by EXT/INT toggle switch. TTL level (+2.4V … +5V) external triggering
pulses should be applied to SYNC IN BNC connector in the first case. Maximum
repetition rate is limited to 1 kHz in both modes.
SYNC OUT pulse has +2.5V amplitude on 50 Ohm load and the leading
edge of sync pulse precedes output HV pulse by about 300 ns.
Two different output modules are included for the connection to the load.
The modules include 1:40 resistive coupler, which together with two 20dB
attenuators allows to apply the divided output pulse to the oscilloscope input for
registration. One module has 1:3 resistive divider, the second has no it. By the
way, it is possible 10 times smooth adjustment of the output pulse amplitude.
Typical output pulse waveform at max amplitude.
User manual of NRG1001 HV rectangular pulse generator 3