200 MHz or more bandwidth oscilloscope is recommended for the output pulse
monitoring. Please set input impedance of the used oscilloscope channel to 50
Ohm, external division coefficient to 4000 (or keep this coefficient in mind to
calculate the measured pulse amplitude), vertical scale to 2 kV/div, time scale to 5
ns/div, edge triggering from the chosen channel.
Step 5.
You can operate without the load to test the generator, or please connect the load /
put the electrodes into Petri dish.
Step 6.
Toggle HV ON/HV OFF switch to HV OFF state (down position).
Toggle EXT/INT switch to INT state (down position).
Place "frequency" knobs to the most counterclockwise position, which corresponds
to minimum frequency about 1 Hz.
Connect power supply cable to wall power outlet.
Switch on the generator by power switch on the rear panel. The internal fan should
start to rotate.
Step 7.
Switch on the high voltage by HV ON/HV OFF toggle switch. The output high
voltage pulses should be generated. The internal red lamp in HV ON/HV OFF
switch lights on and indicates the triggering of the generator. Increase the
amplitude and frequency by corresponding knobs as necessary. The output pulses
frequency in internal triggering mode is about proportional to the rotation angle of
FREQUENCY regulation knob. The output pulses amplitude increases
proportionally to the rotation angle of AMPLITUDE regulation knob.
Register the pulse waveform by the oscilloscope.
Always stop the operation of the generator by HV ON/HV OFF switch,
after that you can switch off the generator by power switch.