A new Mega eGo cartridge frequently won't sop up as much e-liquid as it can really hold. To
get as much liquid as you can into an eGo cartridge, add drops until it starts to pool. Next, attach the
cartridge to your eGo e-cigarette and, holding the battery end in your hand with the cartridge facing toward
the floor, shake the e-cigarette several times downward, like you are shaking the mercury down in a
thermometer (for those who remember what a mercury thermometer was). This will force the e-liquid down
in the mouthpiece. Then, pull the cartridge off of your eGo and it should hold a few more drops.
Please keep in mind that you can do this too much or too hard. If you notice that you are getting e-liquid in
your mouth, you may have shaken the juice too far down into your cartridge, past the filler material or you
may have overfilled it.
Using Your Mega eGo E-Cig
All of our eGo e-cigs come with manual, push button batteries. When you push the button, it supplies
power to the atomizer (the "heating element" part of your e-cigarette). As long as you hold the button down,
the atomizer coil will be activated and provide heat to vaporize the e-liquid in the cartridge. When you let go
of the button, the vapor will no longer be generated.
Please keep in mind that you can hold the button down for too long. If you hold the button for longer than 5-
7 seconds, an automatic cutoff will occur that is built into every eGo battery's circuit board to prevent you
from burning up your atomizers and overburdening your batteries. When this happens, the battery will flash
several times and stop working temporarily. If you release the button and press it again, the battery will
start powering the atomizer again.
When using your eGo electronic cigarette, it should always be held at a slight angle, with the battery side
tilting toward the floor. If the battery end is higher than the mouthpiece side, it is quite possible that you will
get e-juice in your mouth. This is nothing more than the process of gravity!
Since all people smoke cigarettes differently, it only stands to reason that different people will use their e-
cigarette in different ways. The method we have found that gives the maximum amount of vapor for the
majority of people is to draw as lightly as you can on your eGo while pressing the button. This permits the
airflow to have the maximum amount of time heating the liquid. If you inhale too hard, the air rushes past
the liquid in the cartridge faster than the atomizer can heat it, causing very little vapor to be produced.
In no time at all, you will be accustomed to the amount of suction (for lack of a better term) that will produce
the most vapor for you!