background image



Components / 1 Safety Instructions

of unit and controls


Dirt collector


Air outlet


LED light

lights up when plugged 
into mains


Mains plug

(on rear of unit)


Spare dirt collector

1  Safety Instructions


Before connecting the device to your power
supply, please ensure that the supply voltage
stated on the rating plate is compatible with
your mains supply.

The device is not determined for commercial

Only use the device for its intended use as in
the instructions for use. If misused, all guaran-
tee rights shall become null and void.

Do not use the unit if it is damaged, if it no
longer functions perfectly, if it has been
dropped or has fallen into water.

You may only clean the device yourself. If
the device malfunctions please do not repair
it yourself as this leads to the automatic ex-
piry of all guarantee rights. Ask your specialist
dealer and have repairs carried out by the

Keep the unit away from hot surfaces.

Do not operate the unit close to high-
frequency electromagnetic transmitters.

Ensure your hands are dry when connecting
or disconnecting the unit from the mains to
prevent electric shocks.

Do not immerse the unit in water or other

Thank You

Thank you for your confidence in our company
and congratulations on purchasing this item.
You have acquired a quality product with your
purchase of the ionic air purifier. To ensure that
your ionic air purifier provides successful results
for a long time, we recommend that you read
carefully through the following notes on its use
and care.
Incorrect handling and incorrect use can cause
damage to the equipment and injuries to the

If liquid nevertheless manages to get into
the unit at some time, remove the fuse and
disconnect the de-energized unit from the

Do not poke metal objects of any kind into
the unit (through the air outlet vents).

Keep the air outlet vents on the unit free
from dust and dirt.

Never cover the unit up during operation and
do not use it under cushions or blankets.

Disconnect the unit from the mains after use
and for the purpose of cleaning.

Store the unit in a dry place.


Consult your doctor if any health problems
should arise whilst using the unit. In this case,
stop using the unit immediately.

Do not leave the unit unsupervised especially
if used in the vicinity of children.

Ensure that children or people who are not
capable of operating the unit on their own
only use the unit under supervision.

Please read the following safety notes through carefully before using the
unit and keep the instructions for use in a safe place. If the unit is handed 
to third parties, please be sure to give them this instruction manual.

GA_Ionen-LuftreinigerHL_Plus.qxd  05.07.2006  9:38 Uhr  Seite 7

Summary of Contents for Happy Life 30310


Page 2: ...e 1 Sicherheitshinweise 4 2 Wissenswertes 5 3 Betrieb 5 4 Verschiedenes 5 5 Garantie 6 GB Table of contents 1 Safety Instructions 7 2 Useful Information 8 3 Operation 8 4 Miscellaneous 8 5 Warranty 9...

Page 3: ...nts de commande Apparecchio ed elementi per la regolazione Aparato y elementos de manejo Instrument en bedieningselementen Aparelho e elementos de comando Aparatul s i elementele de comanda 4 1 2 3 5...

Page 4: ...Ionen Luftreiniger haben Sie ein Qua lit tsprodukt erworben Damit Sie den ge w nschten Erfolg erzielen und lange Freude an Ihrem Ionen Luftreiniger haben empfehlen wir Ihnen die nachstehenden Hinweise...

Page 5: ...uss an eine Wand Netzsteckdose Stecken Sie einfach den Netzstecker an der R ckseite des Ger tes in eine geeignete Netz steckdose Der Luftreiniger wird sofort aktiv beginnt mit der Produktion von O3 Mo...

Page 6: ...tum ist im Garantiefall durch die Kaufquittung oder Rechnung nachzu weisen 2 M ngel infolge von Material oder Ferti gungsfehlern werden innerhalb der Garan tiezeit kostenlos beseitigt 3 Durch eine Gar...

Page 7: ...ations on purchasing this item You have acquired a quality product with your purchase of the ionic air purifier To ensure that your ionic air purifier provides successful results for a long time we re...

Page 8: ...ply plug the mains connector on the rear of the unit into a suitable wall socket The air purifier is activated immediately starts producing oxygen O3 molecules and simultaneously absorbs harmful subst...

Page 9: ...the date of purchase has to be proven by means of the sales receipt or invoice 2 Defects in material or workmanship will be removed free of charge within the warranty period 3 Repairs under warranty d...

Page 10: ...ureux que vous ayez opt pour cet article En achetant ce purificateur d air ionisateur vous avez fait l acquisition d un produit de qualit Afin que vous obteniez l effet escompt et que vous profitiez l...

Page 11: ...rise de cou rant murale Branchez tout simplement la fiche secteur au dos de l appareil dans une prise de courant adapt e Le purificateur d air est actif imm diatement commence produire des mol cules O...

Page 12: ...pour ces produits compter de la date de vente En cas de garantie la date de vente sera justifi e par le justificatif d achat ou la facture 2 Durant la p riode de garantie les d fauts li s des erreurs...

Page 13: ...iamo con Lei Siamo lieti che abbia deciso di acquistare questo prodotto Con il depuratore dell aria a ioni Lei ha acquis tato un prodotto di qualit Per ottenere il successo desiderato e poter utilizza...

Page 14: ...ento alla rete senza cavi consente il collegamento diretto alle prese di rete a parete sufficiente inserire la spina di rete sul retro dell ap parecchio in un apposita presa di rete Il depuratore dell...

Page 15: ...ita La data di acquisto deve essere comprovata in caso di garanzia dalla ricevuta di acquisto o dalla fattura 2 Durante il periodo di garanzia i guasti do vuti a difetti di materiale o di lavorazione...

Page 16: ...ianza en nosotros Nos alegramos de que se haya decidido por este art culo Con este ionizador purificador de aire ha adqui rido usted un producto de calidad Para que pueda disfrutar mucho tiempo de su...

Page 17: ...cta a los enchufes de la pared Conec te simplemente el enchufe que se encuentra en la parte posterior del aparato a una toma de corriente adecuada El purificador de aire se activa inmediatamente inici...

Page 18: ...un per odo de dos a os a par tir de la fecha de compra En caso de una reclamaci n la fecha de compra debe probarse mediante el recibo de compra o la factura 2 Los defectos de material o de fabricaci...

Page 19: ...rtikel heeft gekozen Met de ionen luchtreiniger heeft u een kwali teitsproduct gekocht Om het gewenste succes te behalen en lang plezier van uw ionen lucht reiniger te hebben adviseren wij u de onder...

Page 20: ...ansluiting biedt directe aansluiting aan een wandcontactdoos Steek eenvoudig de netstekker aan de achterkant van het apparaat in een geschikte netcontactdoos De luchtreiniger wordt meteen actief begin...

Page 21: ...twee jaar vanaf de datum van aan koop Deze kan door middel van de ver koopbon of factuur worden aangetoond 2 Alle klachten die het gevolg zijn van mate riaal of fabricagefouten worden binnen de garan...

Page 22: ...nfian a e muitos parab ns Estamos muito gratos por ter escol hido este artigo Com o ionizador de ar adquiriu um produto de qualidade Para que possa obter o resultado pretendido e desfrutar durante mui...

Page 23: ...irecta a uma tomada el ctrica de parede Insira simplesmente a ficha de rede localizada na parte traseira do aparelho numa tomada el ctrica adequada O purificador de ar torna se imediatamente activo in...

Page 24: ...s a partir da data de compra Em caso de garantia a data de compra tem de ser comprovada atrav s do recibo de com pra ou factura 2 As defici ncias devido a erros de material ou de fabrica o s o elimina...

Page 25: ...acest articol Cu ajutorul acestui dispozitiv de cura t are cu ioni at i c s tigat un produs de calitate Pentru ca Dumneavoastra sa va atinget i cu succes scopul s i pentru a va bucura o perioadca ndel...

Page 26: ...eaua de alimentare cu energie electrica oferca un mod de racordare direct de la o prizca de perete Introducet i pur s i simplu fis a de curent de la partea posterioara a aparatului ntr o priza adecvat...

Page 27: ...umpa rare n acest scop sunt valabile urma toarele condit ii 1 Pentru produse se acorda o garant ie de doi ani de la data cumpa ra rii Data cumpa ra rii trebuie demonstrata n caz de garant ie prin inte...

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Page 30: ...ine Marke der MEDISANA AG Itterpark 7 9 D 40724 Hilden Fon 49 0 2103 2007 60 Fax 49 0 2103 2007 626 eMail info medisana de Internet www medisana de 7 2006 GA_Ionen LuftreinigerHL_Plus qxd 05 07 2006 9...
