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1 Safety Information


Thank you 
very much


Thank you for your confidence in us and congratulations!
You have purchased the heated underblanket 



, a quality product by


To ensure the best results and long-term satisfaction with your 


heated underblanket, we recommend that you read the following operating
and maintenance instructions carefully.

Please read the following safety information carefully before 
using the device and keep these instructions in a safe place for 
later use. Should you give this blood pressure monitor to another 
person, it is vital that you also pass on these instructions for use. 

• Before connecting the device to your power supply, please ensure that the

supply voltage stated on the rating plate is compatible with your mains

•  Check the blanket carefully before each use. 
• Do 


operate it if you notice wear or damage to the underblanket, the

switch or the wires.

• Only use the blanket for the purpose described in these operating in-


•  Do not use the heated underblanket with small children or persons who are

disabled, in need of care or insensitive to heat.

• The heated underblanket may not be operated while folded, creased,

wrapped in a cover or placed around the mattress.

•  During use, the control switch and lead must not be placed on or under the

blanket or be otherwise covered in any way. 

•  Before using it on an adjustable bed, you must make sure that the under-

blanket will not get caught or crumpled together.

•  No safety pins or other pointed or sharp objects should be attached to the

underblanket or stuck into it.

•  Never leave the blanket on when unattended.
•  The device is only for private use and is not to be used in hospitals.
•  Never handle a blanket that has fallen into water. Unplug it from the mains

outlet immediately.

•  Do not use the blanket in a damp or humid environment or if the blanket

itself is damp. You may only use it again once it is completely dry. 

•  Never expose the control switch or leads to moisture of any kind.
•  Keep the mains lead away from hot surfaces.
•  Never carry, pull or twist the blanket by the mains lead and do not allow the

lead to become tangled or snagged.

•  Do not repair the underblanket yourself in the event of damage or mal-

function. Return the faulty heated underblanket to your dealer. Only have
repairs carried out by an authorized specialist dealer or suitably qualified

•  The heated underblanket 


may only be operated with the control unit


Summary of Contents for 60202

Page 1: ...ated underblanket HDS HDC Art 60202 HDS Art 60212 HDC Por favor ler cuidadosamente A u b zorgvuldig lezen Lue huolellisesti l pi L ses noga Bitte sorgf ltig lesen Please read carefully A lire attentiv...

Page 2: de vous orienter plus rapidement Aprire questa pagina e lasciarla aperta ai fini di un rapido orientamento Por favor despliegue esta hoja y d jela desplegada para orientarse r pidamente P Manual de...

Page 3: ...aterasso termico HDS Materasso termico comfort HDC Manta bajera t rmica de est ndar HDS Manta bajera t rmica de confort HDC Capa de aquecimento padr o HDS Capa de aquecimento conforto HDC Standaard El...

Page 4: ......

Page 5: ...rgeben geben Sie diese Gebrauchsanweisung unbedingt mit Stecken Sie keine Nadeln in das W rmeunterbett Verwenden Sie das W rmeunterbett nicht zusammengeschoben oder gefaltet Verwenden Sie das W rmeunt...

Page 6: ...en Menschen ein Das W rmeunterbett darf nicht gefaltet geknickt ins Bett eingeschlagen oder um eine Matratze herumgelegt betrieben werden Der Schalter und die Zuleitung d rfen w hrend des Betriebes ni...

Page 7: ...ISANA HDS HDC k nnen Sie den gesamten K rper sanft erw rmen und entspannen Die Anwendung f rdert die Durch blutung in verh rteten Muskelbereichen und das Wohlbefinden nach einem anstrengenden Tag Das...

Page 8: ...Schalter zur ck auf Position 0 Das Erl schen der orangeroten Betriebsanzeige signalisiert dass das Ger t aus geschaltet ist Das W rmeunterbett ist so konzipiert dass die Stufen 1 2 und 3 f r den Dau e...

Page 9: ...ieses Ger t darf nicht zusammen mit dem Hausm ll entsorgt werden Jeder Verbraucher ist verpflichtet alle elektrischen oder elektronischen Ger te egal ob sie Schadstoffe enthalten oder nicht bei einer...

Page 10: ...Behandlung z B durch Nicht beachtung der Gebrauchsanleitung entstanden sind b Sch den die auf Instandsetzung oder Eingriffe durch den K ufer oder unbefugte Dritte zur ckzuf hren sind c Transportsch de...

Page 11: ...onitor to another person it is vital that you also pass on these instructions for use Do not puncture the heated underblanket Do not use the heated underblanket when it is folded Only use the heated u...

Page 12: ...t The heated underblanket may not be operated while folded creased wrapped in a cover or placed around the mattress During use the control switch and lead must not be placed on or under the blanket or...

Page 13: ...your whole body Using the blanket stimulates the circulation in areas of tense muscle and promotes a sense of well being after a strenuous day The heated underblanket provides a pleasantly warm bed a...

Page 14: ...o position 0 The orange power LED will go out indicating that the unit is switched off The heated underblanket is designed in such a way that settings 1 2 and 3 are suitable for continuous use while y...

Page 15: ...the domestic waste All users are obliged to hand in all electrical or electronic devices regardless of whether or not they contain toxic substances at a municipal or commer cial collection point so t...

Page 16: ...eplacement parts 4 The following is excluded under the warranty a All damage which has arisen due to improper treatment e g non observance of the user instructions b All damage which is due to repairs...

Page 17: ...ent ce mode d emploi disposition Ne piquez pas la couverture chauffante avec une aiguille La couverture chauffante ne doit pas tre pli ou en boule lorsque vous l utilisez La couverture chauffante doit...

Page 18: e froiss e pli e sur le lit ou enroul e autour d un matelas Pendant l utilisation ne pas placer l interrupteur et le c ble sur ou sous la couverture ni les recouvrir de n importe quelle autre mani...

Page 19: ...te HDS HDC MEDISANA permet de r chauffer pro gressivement et de d contracter le corps L utilisation renforce la circulation des muscles durcis et la sensation de bien tre apr s une journ e prouvante L...

Page 20: ...our teindre l appareil ramenez l interrupteur la position 0 L extinction de l appareil est signal e par l extinction du t moin d utilisation orange Les positions 1 2 et 3 de la couverture chauffante s...

Page 21: ...amener les appareils lectriques ou lectroniques qu ils contiennent des substances nocives ou non un point de collecte de sa commune ou dans le commerce afin de permettre leur limination cologique Pour...

Page 22: ...eil ni pour les composants rem plac s 4 Sont exclus de la garantie a tous les dommages dus un usage incorrect par exemple au non respect de la notice d utilisation b les dommages dus une remise en tat...

Page 23: ...egare sempre anche queste istruzioni per l uso Non inserire aghi nel materasso termico Non utilizzare il materasso termico se piegato o non ben disteso Uilizzare il materasso termico esclusivamente in...

Page 24: ...essa in funzione se piegata o schiac ciata ripiegata sopra il letto o sotto il materasso L interruttore e l alimentatore durante il funzionamento non devono essere posti sopra o sotto la termocoperta...

Page 25: ...licatamente tutto il corpo e rilassarne la muscolatura L applicazione favorisce sia la circo lazione nelle zone muscolari contratte che il benessere dopo una giornata faticosa La termocoperta crea nel...

Page 26: ...della spia arancione segnala che l apparecchio disattivato Togliere quindi la spina dalla presa La termocoperta progettata in modo da mantenere il funzionamento continuato durante il sonno ai livelli...

Page 27: ...maltito insieme ai rifiuti domestici Ogni utilizzatore ha l obbligo di gettare tutte le apparecchiature elettroniche o elettriche contenenti o prive di sostanze nocive presso un punto di raccolta dell...

Page 28: ...a n per l apparecchio n per i componenti sostituiti 4 La garanzia non include a tutti i danni risultanti da uso improprio ad esempio dall inosservanza delle istruzioni d uso b i danni riconducibili a...

Page 29: ...terceras personas entregue tambi n estas instrucciones de manejo No clave agujas en la manta bajera t rmica No utilice la manta bajera t rmica cuando est amontonada o plegada Utilice la manta bajera t...

Page 30: ...lidas o desvalidas ni por personas insensibles al calor No ponga en funcionamiento la manta bajera t rmica arrugada doblada plegada sobre la cama o remetida por el colch n Ni el interruptor ni los ca...

Page 31: ...fixia Mediante el calientacamas HDS HDC MEDISANA puede calentar y relajar todo el cuerpo suavemente La aplicaci n estimula la circulaci n sangu nea y las zonas corporales con agarrotamiento muscular p...

Page 32: ...on luz roja anaranjada se apaga significa que el aparato se ha desconectado Seguidamente desconecte el enchufe de la red El calientacamas ha sido concebido de tal forma que los niveles 1 2 y 3 puedan...

Page 33: dom stica Todos los usuarios est n obligados a entregar todos los aparatos el ctricos o electr nicos independientemente de si contienen substancias da inas o no en un punto de recogida de su ciudad...

Page 34: ...odo de garant a ni con respecto al dispositivo ni con respecto a los compo nentes sustituidos 4 Esta garant a no cubre a todos los da os causados por abuso por ej por incumplimiento del manual de uso...

Page 35: ...m este manual de instru es N o insira agulhas na capa de aquecimento N o utilize a capa de aquecimento de modo amarrotado ou dobrado Utilize a capa de aquecimento apenas em espa os fechados N o clora...

Page 36: ...m em pessoas insens veis ao calor O sobre colch o n o deve ser vincado dobrado colocado entre os len is ou cobertores nem deve funcionar enrolado no colch o Durante o funcionamento do cobertor el ctri...

Page 37: ...Com o cobertor el ctrico MEDISANA HDS HDC pode aquecer e relaxar suavemente o corpo todo A aplica o fomenta a circula o do sangue em reas musculares tensas e o bem estar ap s um dia fatigante O cober...

Page 38: ...dicador de funcionamento vermelho alaranjado apaga se o que sinaliza que o aparel ho est desligado Retire agora a ficha da tomada O cobertor el ctrico est concebido de tal modo que os n veis 1 2 e 3 s...

Page 39: em conjunto com o lixo dom stico Cada consumidor tem o dever de entregar qualquer aparelho el ctrico ou electr nico com ou sem subst ncias nocivas nos postos de recolha p blicos da sua cidade ou no...

Page 40: ...parelho nem para as pe as substitu das 4 A garantia exclui a todos os danos resultantes de manuseamento inadequado como p ex devido ao n o cumprimento do manual de instru es b danos resultantes de rep...

Page 41: ...eef dan deze gebruiksaanwijzing absoluut mee Steek geen naalden in het warmteonderbed Gebruikt het warmteonderbed niet in elkaar gedrukt of gevouwen Gebruik het warmteonderbed alleen in gesloten ruimt...

Page 42: ...mteonderbed mag niet gevouwen geknikt in het bed ingeslagen of om een matras heen gebruikt worden De schakelaar en de kabel mogen gedurende het gebruik niet op of onder de onderdeken worden geplaatst...

Page 43: ...warmen en ontspannen De behandeling stimuleert de bloed circulatie in verharde spieren en bevordert het welzijn na een vermoeiende dag De elektrische onderdeken houdt het bed op een aangename tempera...

Page 44: ...jerode bedrijfsindicator stopt met branden en geeft aan dat het instrument uitgeschakeld is Haal vervolgens de netstekker uit de wandcontactdoos De elektrische onderdeken is zodanig geconcipieerd dat...

Page 45: huishoudelijk afval worden aange boden Iedere consument is verplicht alle elektrische of elektronische appara ten ongeacht of die schadelijke stoffen bevatten of niet bij een milieudepot in zijn st...

Page 46: ...or de vervangen onderdelen 4 Uitgesloten van garantie zijn a Alle schade die ontstaan is door ondeskundige behandeling b v het niet op de juiste wijze volgen van de gebruiksaanwijzing b Beschadigingen...

Page 47: ...een eteenp in anna t m k ytt ohje mukaan L mp patjaan ei saa pistell neuloja L mp patjaa ei saa k ytt taitettuna tai puristuksissa K yt l mp patjaa ainoastaan suljetuissa tiloissa Kloorivalkaisu kiell...

Page 48: ...ole kuuman kylm n tuntoa L mp patjaa ei saa k ytt taitettuna vuoteeseen k rittyn tai kiedottuna patjan ymp ri Kytkint tai johtoa ei saa pit k yt n aikana patjan p ll tai alla eiv tk ne saa olla mill...

Page 49: ...k siin On olemassa tukehtumisvaara MEDISANAn HDS HDC l mp patjan avulla voit l mmitt ja rentouttaa hell sti koko kehon K ytt parantaa kovettuneiden lihasten verenkiertoa ja lis hyv nolontunnetta raska...

Page 50: ...aisimen oranssi valo sammuu laitteen virta on katkaistu Ved sitten pistotulppa pistorasiasta L mp patja on suunniteltu siten ett tasoja 1 2 ja 3 k ytet n jatkuvassa k yt ss nukkuessa Tasot 4 5 ja 6 so...

Page 51: ...aja on velvoitettu luovuttamaan kaikki s hk iset tai elektroniset laitteet sis lt v tp ne haitallisia aineita tai eiv t kaupunkinsa tai liikkeen ker yspisteeseen jotta laitteet voitaisiin h vitt ymp r...

Page 52: ...a kaikki vahingot jotka syntyv t asiattomasta k sittelyst esim k ytt ohjeen noudattamatta j tt misest b Vahingot joiden syyksi voidaan j jitt ostajan tai asiattoman kolmannen osapuolen suorittama kunn...

Page 53: ...Om apparaten l mnas vidare till en annan person m ste bruksanvisningen f lja med Stick aldrig in n lar i v rmemadrass Anv nd inte v rmemadrass n r den r ihopf lld eller ihopvikt V rmemadrass f r endas...

Page 54: till tet att vika t cken eller lakan runt den eller att vika v rme madrassen runt en annan madrass Filtens reglage och kabel f r varken placeras p eller under filten n r denna anv nds De f r heller...

Page 55: ...rmefilt HDS HDC kan anv ndas f r att l ngsamt v rma och slappna av hela kroppen Anv ndningen stimulerar genombl dningen i sp nda muskelomr den vilket kar v lbefinnandet efter en anstr ngande dag Filt...

Page 56: reglaget tillbaka till position 0 N r den orange r da lampan sl ckts r utrustningen avst ngd Dra d refter ut kontak ten ur v gguttaget V rmefilten har konstruerats s att niv 1 2 och 3 r avsed da f...

Page 57: ...ste l mna in alla elektriska eller elektroniska apparater till motsvarande insamlingsst llen oberonde av om apparaterna inneh ller skadliga mnen eller ej s att de kan omh ndertas p ett milj v nligt s...

Page 58: ...bytta kompo nenter 4 Garantin g ller inte f r a Alla skador som uppkommer p grund av felaktig hantering t ex vid icke beaktande av bruksanvisningen b Skador som kan h rledas till iordningsst llande el...

Page 59: ...55 GR 1 HDS HDC HDC...

Page 60: ...56 1 GR 1 1 1 2 HDS HDC MEDISANA o MEDISANA...

Page 61: ...57 GR 1 3 2 1 2 2 HDC 1 HDS HDC MEDISANA 1 o HDS HDC MEDISANA MEDISANA HDS 0 1 2 3 2 1 1 3 2 3 HDS...

Page 62: ...58 3 GR 2 4 HDC 0 3 1 2 9 0 MEDISANA HDC 0 1 2 3 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 0 MEDISANA HDS HDS 3 1...

Page 63: ...59 GR 3 MEDISANA HDC HDC 30 HDC l HDS HDC MEDISANA 230 240 V 50 Hz HDS 60 W HDC 90 W 80 x 150 cm 1 2 kg l 2 8 m HDS 60202 HDC 60212 HDS 40 15588 60202 3 HDC 40 15588 60212 2 3 3 3 2...

Page 64: ...60 4 GR 4 1 1 MEDISANA 2 3 4 5 MEDISANA AG Itterpark 7 9 D 40724 Hilden 49 0 2103 2007 60 49 0 2103 2007 626 eMail info medisana de Internet www medisana de...

Page 65: ...G Ferraris 31 20090 Cusago MI Tel 39 02 90 39 00 38 Fax 39 02 90 39 02 79 eMail info sanicare it Internet www sanicare it E MEDISANA HEALTHCARE S L Plaza Josep Freixa i Argem no 8 08224 Terrassa Barc...

Page 66: ...MEDISANA AG Itterpark 7 9 40724 Hilden Deutschland Tel 49 0 2103 2007 60 Fax 49 0 2103 2007 626 eMail info medisana de Internet www medisana de 60202 60212 10 2007...
