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Internet: www.medion.com.au
After Sales Support
Torrent File
The .torrent fi le contains information that the NAS server needs for a BitTorrent
download. A Torrent fi le uses the .torrent fi le extension. If your computer
already has .torrent fi les, then enter the path to the .torrent fi le or click on
" to search for the fi le in the directories on your computer.
Location of Downloaded Files
Here you can specify which storage location is to be used for new downloads
Put incomplete downloads in
") and where the NAS server is to move
completed downloads ("
Move completed downloads to
The "
" column shows the user of the share from where the fi le is being
In the column "
", you can see where the NAS server stores the fi le.
• BitTorrent downloads are stored under
(where "
" is the
folder you specifi ed).
• HTTP/FTP downloads are stored under
(where "
" is the folder you
specifi ed).
Click on Edit. In the new window you can now edit the storage locations for
Put incomplete downloads in
" and "
Move completed downloads
– Select the owner of the share.
– Enter the storage location here or click on "
" to search for
the directory.
Current Location
– The fi le path to the current folder is displayed here.
Folder Name
– Enter a new folder name here and click on "
" to
create it.
– This displays whether it is a folder or a fi le
– The name of the folder/fi le.
Select a folder. If you do not specify a folder, a slash (/) will be prefi xed in front
of the path. All contents in the specifi ed directory are selected automatically.
Click on "
" or "
" to close the window.
Click here to accept and save the settings.
Click here to exit the settings without saving.
General Settings
Use this window to specify the storage location that will be used as standard for
downloaded fi les. The procedure is the same as given in the section "Adding a
Download Task“ on page 53. You can also set the download periods here.
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