4.3. Why should you measure the blood pressure at home?
The blood pressure measured in a hospital or doctor's clinic can cause anxiety and
result in readings which are 25 to 30 mmHg higher than those measured at home.
Measurement at home reduces the effect of external influences on the blood.
The values measured by the doctor and, in addition, those measured at home,
provide more safety and a more accurate and complete blood pressure history.
4.4. WHO (World Health Organization) -Blood pressure classification
Standards for assessing high blood pressure, without considering the age, have
been established by the World Health Organization (WHO), and are shown in the
following diagram.
4.5. Blood pressure variations
The blood pressure of a person varies a lot daily and seasonally.
It may vary by as much as 30 to 50 mmHg during the day due to various condi
tions. The variations are even more pronounced in hypertensive individuals.
Normally the blood pressure increases when working or playing and drops to the
lowest level during sleep. Hence do not let yourself be overly influenced by the
results of a single measurement.