The technical data may be changed without notice in case of any improvements.
3. Introduction
The device uses the oscillometric method for measuring blood pressure.
The automatic electronic blood pressure monitor is intended for use by medical
professionals or at home for monitoring and display of diastolic, systolic blood
pressure and pulse rate in adults. This is done by placing an arm cuff around the
left upper arm.
The estimated service life of the product is 5 years.
The product meets the requirements of the electromagnetic compatibility of
EN60601-1-2 and safety standards of EN60601-1-1 and performance of IEC
80601-2-30 as defined in the EEC Directive 93/42 / EEC.
4. About blood pressure
4.1. What is blood pressure?
Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in a blood vessel. Systolic pressure is
generated when the heart contracts. Diastolic pressure is generated when the
heart expands.
A high blood pressure has an adverse effect on your health and life expectancy.
Blood pressure is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg).
4.2. What is high blood pressure and how is it controlled?
An unusually high arterial blood pressure, if left uncontrolled, can cause many
health problems including stroke and heart attack.
High blood pressure can be controlled by changing the lifestyle, avoiding stress,
and with the help of medication under medical supervision.
To prevent high blood pressure or keep it under control, we recommend the
Do not smoke
Exercise regularly
Reduce intake of salt and fats
Undergo regular physical checkups
Maintain correct weight (ideal weight)