Medha Servo Drives Pvt Ltd.
MAS 696 Operator’s Manual
ECC#1 is modified for MAS 696 system. The following changes are made in
the MAS 696 system:
1. Locomotive Control Computer (LCC) called MLC 691 is shifted to top
portion of ECC#1.
2. Display Unit MDS 737 is located on the middle door of the ECC#1.
3. Circuit Breakers numbers are increased to 33. These are located on
the same panel.
4. DC LINK switch gear is modified as 6 DCL switch gear and is shifted
to TCC cabinet.
5. The DCL switch gear Control circuits are provided with individual
Circuit Breakers on the Breaker panel.
6. Individual Traction Computer Control circuit Breakers are provided
on the Breaker panel.
7. Individual Traction Inverter Blower Motor Circuit Breakers are
provided on the Breaker panel.
8. Radio Circuit Breaker is replaced with DPC Circuit Breaker.
9. Auxiliary Generator FB Circuit Breaker is removed.
10. Ground Relay is replaced with Ground Leakage detection current
11. There is no separate Event recorder, it is part of LCC. There are no
panel Mounted Modules i.e. DVR, TLF, ASC, FCF, FCD. These all
are part of the LCC Unit.
12. Power supply modules i.e. PSM300, PSM310, PSM320 are replaced
with Power Supply modules located on the LCC Unit.
13. DC LINK current sensors are modified as DCL 1A – DCL 6A and are
shifted to TCC cabinet.
14. ADB1, ADB2, ADB3, ADB4 and FDB are added in the ECC#1
Cabinet to provide Power to various Sensors.
15. Communication between LCC to TCC is through Optical Fiber cables.
5.2 ECC#2
This Electrical Control Cabinet#2, as shown in Fig. 5.2, mounts on the right
side of the locomotive, under the locomotive under frame, between the No.1
bogie and the fuel tank.
The various internal equipments (not driver accessible) included in ECC#2
1. BCA : Battery Charging Assembly
2. ST & STA Contactors