CrimpTest-1 kN Calibration Checking Rig
Prepare the CrimpTest-1 kN
Remove all grips and fixtures. Turn the unit over and loosely
screw in two M6 flanged socket button bolts into the front
mounting holes, leaving about 8 mm free to pass through the
bracket. This will be the top when the unit is mounted.
Mount the CrimpTest-1 kN
Mounting the unit onto the bracket may be easier with two
people, one to support the weight, while the other tightens
the bolts.
Present the underside of the unit, back panel to the floor, to
the slotted holes in the top of the bracket, and drop into
place. Loosely tighten the bolts, allowing some movement
for alignment.
Unit front
Unit back panel
Insert bolts here