The CIO-DAC-series boards are available in either eight-channel or 16-channel
versions and with either voltage or current (I) outputs. In this manual, the current
output (I) boards are described and are referred to generically as CIO-DAC##-I
unless a specific board is being described.
Analog current outputs are from dual-DAC AD7237s with each output buffered by
2N2222 transistors.
The analog outputs are controlled by writing a digital control and data word as two
bytes (actually a data byte and a data nibble along with a nibble containing channel
information) to two control registers. The control register is double-buffered so a
DAC's output is not updated until both bytes (first low byte, then high byte) are
The CIO-DAC08-I and CIO-DAC16-I have a bank of nine address DIP switches.
(See Figure 2-1.) There are no other switches or jumpers.
An installation program labeled InstaCal™ is on the disk shipped with the board.
This program will guide you through board configuration and switch settings. Refer
to the Software Installation Manual for complete instructions regarding installing
and using InstaCal. If you decide not to use InstaCal as a guide, the information
required for configuring the board is provided in the following section.