AutoStar #497 HANDBOX
Optional Accessories
A wide assortment of professional Meade accessories is available
for the LX600 telescope models. The premium quality of these
accessories is well-suited to the quality of the instrument itself.
To fi nd out more information about these and other exciting
Meade accessories visit Meade’s website at
Universal Power Adapter with Cable (07584):
A regulated
power adapter which permits powering from a standard home
(115/240v AC) outlet.
Series 5000 2" Diagonal with Enhanced 99% Refl ecting
The Series 5000 2" diagonal delivers premium
performance with 99% of the light refl ected to the eyepiece.
This diagonal allows you to use the advanced 2" eyepieces like
Meade’s Series 5000 UWA, XWA and HD-60s for wider, sharper
fi elds. The Series 5000 2" diagonal comes with a 1.25" adapter
for using standard sized eyepieces.
Meade Series 5000 Premium Eyepieces:
deliver all the
amazing performance that the ACF and APO optical systems
can provide with Fully-Multi Coated optics, wide fi elds and razor
sharp images all the way to the edge:
Ultra Wide Angle:
Ultra Premium Series 5000
Eyepiece have an extremely large 82 degree
Apparent Field of View, 6 & 7 element Super
Fully-Multi-Coated lenses with blackened edges,
rotating adjustable eyecups. Focal lengths from
5.5mm 1.25" to huge-fi eld-of-view 30mm 2"
diameter format.
Xtreme-Wide Angle:
Xtreme-Wide Angle Series
5000 Eyepieces use 9 optical elements to
achieve a high contrast image with razor sharp
correction all the way to the edge of the huge
100 degree apparent fi eld of view. The lenses are
Super Fully Multi-Coated with blackened edges
in 2" diameter format. Three focal lengths, 9mm,
14mm and 20mm are all parfocal.
The all new Series 5000 HD-60
Eyepieces have a large 60 degree apparent
fi eld of view that is fl at and sharp to the edge,
17mm or more of eye relief for easy comfortable
observing, Super Fully- Multi-Coated lenses
with blackened edges and rotating adjustable
eyecups. Focal lengths from 4.5mm to 25mm.
#62 T-Adapter:
The T-Adapter is the basic means of prime-focus
35mm photography through all Meade Schmidt-Cassegrain and
Advanced Coma-Free models. Thread the T-Adapter on to the
rear cell of your telescope, followed by a T-Mount for your 35mm
camera, and the camera body is rigidly coupled to the telescope.
#777 Off-Axis Guider:
The Off-Axis Guider provides a means
during long-exposure astrophotography for the photographer to
monitor the tracking of the telescope to assure that the telescope
remains precisely positioned on the object being photographed.
Like the T-Adapter, the Off-Axis Guider couples the camera
body to the telescope but it also causes a small amount of the
guidestar’s incoming light to be diverted at a right angle, where
star’s position can be examined for tracking errors with an
illuminated reticle eyepiece; position corrections can then be
effected using Autostar II (this is not needed if using StarLock).
Piggyback Brackets:
Piggyback photography is one of the most
popular and easiest ways to get started in astrophotography.
Attach your 35mm camera, with its own 35mm-to-250mm lens,
atop your LX600 in equatorial mode, and guide the telescope
Series 5000 Ultra-wide eyepieces
Series 5000 HD-60 eyepieces
Series 5000 Xtreme-wide angle eyepieces