Technical Manual
Blind Push Button Smart 55
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
2.2 Special features
Active colour display
The devices have an active colour display. The brightness of the display can be continuously adjusted
via various objects. The presentation of the background colour can be set to white or black for Day or
Night operation, depending on the customer's requirements.
Direct operating functions via buttons on the unit
Four buttons are available on each unit. The two upper buttons are permanently set to blind and
shutter control. The two lower buttons can be freely configured as individual buttons. Internal
functions, such as locking the time switch, as well as external functions such as switching, dimming,
blinds, sending values or status can be selected here.
Innovative group control
For button pair 1/2, it is possible with the function "Group control extra-long" to send telegrams via
separate communication objects using an extra-long button press. This can be used for a group
function, for example. With the long button press you move a single blind, with the extra-long button
press you move all blinds in a room.
Integrated daily/weekly time switch with Astro switching function and automatic public holiday
The time switch is a daily/weekly time switch and has an Astro switching function as well as an
automatic public holiday calculation. Basically, the time switch can be used as a master and supplies
all other participants with date and time. If a timer is already present in the KNX system, for example
the IP interface with time server function (SCN-IP000.03), the time switch can operate in slave mode
with the system time provided.
Up to 8 switching times are possible with the time switch. These can be executed daily or within the
week on different days. In addition to selecting the day and time when a function is to be executed,
additional mode settings and corresponding conditions can also be defined. For the mode, in
addition to the normal standard parameter time,
available. In combination with the conditions
time shift
(+/- up to 2 hours),
latest at, earliest at
with /- 10 min up to one hour
, a multitude of useful functions can be generated.
Astro switch function for convenient blind control
The sunrise and sunset times are calculated by means of the Astro function. The location is required,
either as location information or by location coordinates, and the date by the time switch. Fine
adjustments of the switching threshold of the sunrise and sunset times are possible via the
parameter "
individual settings" - "sunrise/sunset
The automatic summertime/wintertime changeover can be set separately. This can be done via the
general changeover within Europe, or there is the option of an individual setting.