MD M5 Sport Manual Download Page 1



























































M5 Sport

前言 / Introduction

這本明書再進行組裝,並且請您妥善保存這本說明書、為往後進行調整以及維修之參考。 這台

Thank you for buying this MD product. The M5 Sport is the latest technology in Rotary RC 

Thank you for choosing an MD Helicopter. In order to assemble correctly and get the best 
performance, please read the manual carefully before assembly. Please keep the manual 
for future reference in case you need to fine tune or do repairs.

警告事項 / Caution

本項遙控直昇機產品並非⼀般玩具,嚴禁16歲以下青少年與孩童使用,它是結合了許多高 科技產

This MD RC Helicopter is not a toy, it is prohibited for ages under sixteen. As it is 
intergraded with many hi-tech electronic and mechanical parts, incorrect or faulty 
assembly, setup as well as usage can cause injuries to the user or other people. Please ask 
a professional hobby shop or an experienced user to help you doing the final check of 
assembly and setup, and be cautioned to follow your local safety operation requirements. 
The manufacturer will take no liability of injuries if the product is not properly assembled, 
setup or operated. RC Helicopter is an product of consumption. Once the customers start 
to use the product, the parts will be worn and suffer from attrition, the vendor will not 
accept any replacement or return claims due to normal usage. In case of repair 
requirements and complaints, please contact our authorized dealers. They will provide 
free technical support of repairs as well as parts supply services at applicable and 
discounted prices.

飛行安全注意事項 / Safety Rules

遠離障礙物 / Keep away from Buildings, Trees, and Power Towers

遙控直昇機飛行時具有⼀定的速度,相對的也潛在著⼀點危險性,飛場的選擇是非常重要。 首
人財產上損壞。初次練習時,建議選擇在空曠場地並可適當搭配練習架練習飛行, 這將會大幅

As RC Helicopter flies at a demanding speed, it is dangerous when crashed. Thus, the 
flying field becomes very important. It is important to keep away from people, buildings, 
trees, power lines and power plants. It is especially important to avoid faulty and 
inaccurate operation to prevent injuring people and damage to private properties. It is 
recommended to select a wide flying field and use wide safety landing bracket for the 
first flight. This will reduce the risk of unforeseen damage. It is no recommended to fly 
during bad weather conditions such as rain, wind, thunder and lightning storms.

避免獨自操控 / Avoid fly alone

⾄飛行場飛行前,需確認是否有相同頻率的同好進行飛行,相同頻率的發射機⼀同開機將 導致



Product information

Summary of Contents for M5 Sport

Page 1: ... follow your local safety operation requirements The manufacturer will take no liability of injuries if the product is not properly assembled setup or operated RC Helicopter is an product of consumption Once the customers start to use the product the parts will be worn and suffer from attrition the vendor will not accept any replacement or return claims due to normal usage In case of repair requir...

Page 2: ... the Helicopter when the Main Rotor and Tail Rotor are rotating 遠離潮濕環境 Keep away from Humidity 直昇機內部是由多精密的電子零組件所組成 必須絕對的防止潮濕或水氣 避免在浴室或雨天時 使用 以免水氣進入機身內部而導致故障或引發不可預期的意外 As the helicopter consists of many electronical parts of high precision it is absolutely essential to keep them away from humidity and water vapors In order to prevent damage to the electronical parts caused by humidity it is strictl...

Page 3: ... 時升降動作遲緩情形 檢查重點包含了主旋翼本體是否有變形 軸承是否有損壞 以及球頭 軸 承是否有明顯間隙 軸承鋼珠是否有脫落 如有上述情況均需要更換新品 Although the pitch movement of the main blade Holders has been checked on the bench you might need to increase the pitch after a test flight If you encountered slow response of elevator or aileron when you fly you should inspect if there is any deformation of the main blade holders state of bearings gap in the linkage bal...

Page 4: ...高強度 帶 時間使用時仍然會產生磨損的現象 請隨時檢 查 帶磨損狀況 當 帶起毛時請更換新 帶 以維持良好的尾舵控制 Although the Tail drive belt are made of industrial high strength material they will still get worn after long time use depending on the flying style To keep accurate control of the tail please check how tight the belt is regularly Also check the belt wear replace the new belt when the belt is worn to maintain good rudder control 4 控制桿拉桿組檢...

Page 5: ...rass will create resistance and affect the smooth movement of the Tail Pitch Assembly It is important that not to apply any lubricating oil to the Tail Pitch Assembly as it will stick dust and cause abrasion of the bearing and affect the smooth movement of the Tail Pitch Assembly 3 尾旋翼固定座 Tail torque tube unit 尾旋翼固定座 飛行約50 趟左右請拆卸進行清潔保養 確認軸承間隙是正常 如轉動不順或間 隙 過大請更換軸承 確保控制系統完善 Please disassemble the Ta...

Page 6: ...ed 接收機六動以上 Receiver with 6 or more channels 馬達電子變速器100A以上 At least 100A Electrical Speed Controller 動作控制標準伺服器x3 尾舵控制標準伺服器x1 3 Standard Servos for CCPM 1 Tail rudder servo 3軸陀螺儀 3 Axis Gyro 無刷馬達x1 選配 500 Grade Brushless Motor 鋰電池22 2V 6S25C以上 3300 4200mah 尺寸最大160mmx47mmx56mm LiPo battery 22 2v 6S25C Minimum 3300 4200mah Size max160mmx47mmx56mm 剪刀 Scissors 美工刀 Pocket Knife 潤滑油 Grease 斜口鉗 Diagonal cu...

Page 7: Diameter 內徑較小 Smaller Inside Diameter 6x13x5 6x8 80x0 5 6x12x4 5 M2 5x6 01M 005C 6x13x5 8 001M 177 止推軸承及橫軸墊圈屬於飛行消耗品 建每20趟定期檢查及更換 高主旋翼轉速飛行時 請縮短定期檢之趟數 以確保飛行安全 Thrust bearing and washer for radial bearing are wear items and thus should be inspected for replacement after every 20 flights For flights with high headspeed the inspection interval should be reduce to ensure flight safety 單向軸承請塗上潤滑油 Appl...

Page 8: ...Caution 600M VC 01M 0036 4x8x1 M4x8 M4x27 M4x8 M3x25 001M 022 001M 021C 01M 0166 M2x11 01M 0026 01M 0170 04M 0010 4x8x3T 9 500M M 此組件出廠時已完成上膠組裝 This assembly is ready to fly from factory 01M 0251 01M 0034 01M 0035 01M 0034 01M 0035 01M 0035 01M 0037 塗上潤滑油 Apply Grease 零度螺距刻度線 0 Degree pitch maker 01M 0035 01M 0034 x2 01M 0035 x4 01M 0037 x1 此組件出廠時已完成上膠組裝 This assembly is ready to fly from factory ...

Page 9: ...組裝品 請再次確認螺絲是否鎖 緊上膠 Please make sure all screws been tightened even assembled already by factory 螺絲鎖付金屬零件時 請上螺絲膠 When fixing the metal parts Please apply a little anaerobic adhesive on it 注意 Caution 500MF FI 各部件組立說明 Assembly instructions M2 5x8 M3x8 主軸 Main Shaft 平均壓兩邊側板 Press the two main frames equally 機身側板 Main frames 玻璃平台 Glass surface 01M 222 6x13x6 主軸第三軸承向上 Turn the upper bearing upward 10x19...

Page 10: ...c adhesive on it 注意 Caution 01M 0091 M2 5x8 M3x8 M2 5x8 M3x8 01M 0129 M3x8 M2 5x6 500MF E 馬達座 待馬達鎖上後再行固定 Mount the motor to the motor mount before mounting it to the main frame 01M 0132 M3x12 M3x8 M3x8 M2 5x8 x4 M2 5x12 x8 M3x8 x16 M3x10 x4 01M 0109 x12 01M 0091 x12 主軸第三軸承向上 Turn the upper bearing upward 10x19x15 主軸第二軸承向上 Turn the down bearing downward M2 5x8 M2 5x5 M3x8 請每 30次之後 檢查塑膠惰輪 The plasti...

Page 11: ...ts Please apply a little anaerobic adhesive on it 注意 Caution 尾管固定螺絲x4 先不要鎖緊 待尾管組裝後 再鎖緊 Please do not tighten the tail boom screws 4 PCS before the tail boom unit is assembled M3x8 M3x8 01M 0106 01M 0120 500MF E M2 5x8 x4 M2 5x12 x8 M3x8 x16 M3x10 x4 01M 0109 x12 01M 0091 x12 M2 5x8 M2 5x8 01M 0109 M2 5x8 01M 0109 M2 5x5 主軸第三軸承向上 Turn the upper bearing upward 10x19x15 主軸第二軸承向下 Turn the down bearing...

Page 12: ...led already by factory 螺絲鎖付金屬零件時 請上螺絲膠 When fixing the metal parts Please apply a little anaerobic adhesive on it 注意 Caution M2 5x8 舵機臂為選購商品 請進行選購或自備 Servo arm is optional please purchase or prepare their own 舵機臂孔位建議距離 Recommended distance of servo arm CCPM FBL 拉桿孔間距議距離 Recommended distance of CCPM FBL CCPMx3 FBLx2 M2x12 x4 M2 5x8 M2 5x8 M2 5x8 M2 5x8 ...

Page 13: ...意 Caution 500MF F1 500MF G 500MF H 各部件組立說明 Assembly instructions 止付螺絲請對準平面鎖緊 Please make sure the set screw is tightened to the plane surface 04M 0016 01M 0127 01M 0128 7x11x3 M2 5x16 M2 5x20 01M 0038 M2 5x14 M2x8 04M 0131 01M 0134 M2x8 5x11x5 01M 0133 01M 0148 M2 5 01M 0032 4x8x3 01M 0009 01M 0167 3x8x4 01M 0009 M2x8 x1 01M 0009 x2 x2 3x10x4 x2 請參閱第26頁特別建議事項 Please refer to page 26 for special re...

Page 14: ...零件時 請上螺絲膠 When fixing the metal parts Please apply a little anaerobic adhesive on it 注意 Caution 500MF FI 500MF FI 各部件組立說明 Assembly instructions 01M 0088 3 2x8x1 M3x30 4x9x4 01M 0142 01M 0126B M3x18 M3螺 01M 0009 M2x10 M3螺 01M 0173 M4x4 M3x8 OUT IN IN OUT 5x10x4 M3x3螺 請對準此平面鎖緊 Please make sure the set screw is tightened to the flat spot 01M 0091 ...

Page 15: ...rt furrow 01M 0017 01M 0017 01M 0083 01M 0083 01M 0061 01M 0172 01M 0169 M3 M3X35 01M 0139 M2 5x6 01M 0138 警告 尾旋翼夾的組裝方式與其它友商不同 且因此組裝方式不同 於尾舵陀螺儀補償方向也不 同 敬請特別留意 Warning The tail rotor clip is assembled in a different way from other manufacturers And the direction of the compensation can be different Double check that the tail rotor is compensating the correct way 尾旋翼組組裝完成 後需確認尾旋翼夾座蝀動滑順 After complet...

Page 16: ... 請上螺絲膠 When fixing the metal parts Please apply a little anaerobic adhesive on it 注意 Caution 3x19 01M 0078 01M A057 01M 0078 10x14x0 5 M3x12 鎖緊螺絲 共五顆 Locking screw a total of 5 500M K1 注意 皮帶扭轉 向 Warning Check belt direction 001M 056 3x19 PIN必須穿過主軸定位孔 3x19 PIN must pass through the shaft positioning holes M2 5x8 請參閱第27頁特別建議事項 Please refer to page 27 for special recommendations ...

Page 17: ...een tightened even assembled already by factory 螺絲鎖付金屬零件時 請上螺絲膠 When fixing the metal parts Please apply a little anaerobic adhesive on it 注意 Caution M2 5x8 M2 5x8 01M 0132 十字盤裝入後 再行固定 Mount the swash plate before mounting the phasing control mount 3x19 PIN必須穿過主軸定位孔 3x19 PIN must pass through the shaft positioning holes ...

Page 18: ...ews been tightened even assembled already by factory 螺絲鎖付金屬零件時 請上螺絲膠 When fixing the metal parts Please apply a little anaerobic adhesive on it 注意 Caution 01M 0091 M3x8 M3x8 M4x4 齒輪固定螺絲需對準此平面再行鎖緊 The set screw must be aligned with this flat spot M3螺絲必須穿過主軸定位孔 M3 screws must pass through the shaft positioning holes ...

Page 19: ...y from factory 若不想使用快拆電池座的話 可以拆下扣件組之後 於單側使用兩個M3X8止付螺絲進行電池板的固定 兩側共四個 達到更輕量化的需求 If you do not want to use the quick release battery holder you can remove the fastener group Instead you can use two M3X8 socket set screws for the battery plate on both sides a total of four to achieve a more lightweight model M3x8 固定卡溝 固定式電池座使用說明 Fixed battery holder instructions 滑軌式電池座使用說明 Quick release battery holder...

Page 20: ...MING DA Technology corp M5 Sport 21 各部件組立說明 Assembly instructions 陀螺 Gyro 接收機 Receiver 電池 6S Li Po 電子變速器 ESC 馬達 Motor 電子裝備設備放置建議 Suggested placement of electronic components ...

Page 21: ...ees 主旋翼平衡與雙槳校正 Adjustment and balancing of the main blade 平衡校正 將兩支主旋翼使用M3或M4螺絲固定 並保持兩支槳成 直線置於調整台後 可以用 膠帶修正 力求兩支主旋翼成水平最佳狀態 Adjustment of Main blade Mount the two main blades with M3 or M4 screws maintain the two blades at the straight line You may use the tape to adjust the blades and to make sure the two main blades 可使用貼紙分別貼於兩槳翼兩端 或用筆做標記 便雙槳做微調時的辦識 You may use the sticker to label or color pen to ...

Page 22: ...erhaul of the model so you can make the model safe to use 如果在操作動作上或是動力上有明顯降低時 可注意下列事項 If when obviously reduce on the action or on motive force can pay attention to the following items 1 電池電力是否足夠 Whether the battery electricity is enough 2 Pitch是否過大 Whether pitch is too big 3 主旋翼是否出現雙槳情形 Mainly fasten and present the situation of one pair of oars 4 模型機構上是口出現明顯震動是否零件鬆散 Whether obviously shake the p...

Page 23: ... is 24 degrees Excessive pitch settings can result in reduced power and flight time Lifting force that appropriate rotation speed is set higher than the pitch of the setting mode to transfer large 般飛行設定 Normal Fly setting 3D飛行設定 3D Fly setting 24 螺距與油門設定 Pitch throttle setting Low speed throttle 0 Pitch 2 0 Medium speed throttle 50 Pitch 5 6 High speed throttle 100 Pitch 9 11 Low speed throttle 0 ...

Page 24: ...ed to high 主旋翼的pitch偏低 Not enough Pitch 調整Pitch連桿頭調高 Pitch約4 5度 停懸時主旋需為 1700 1800rpm Adjust Pitch ball link to increase pitch by 4 5 digress Hovering head speed should be around 1700 1800 rpm 停懸點油門曲線過高 Hovering throttle curve is too high 調低停懸點油門曲線 約 60 Decrease throttle curve at hovering point on transmitter around 60 尾舵反應 Rudder Response 停懸時尾翼向某 邊偏移 或撥 動方向舵並回復到中立點時 尾 翼產生延遲 無法停頓在所控制 位置上 Drifting o...

Page 25: ... the plane has been parallel and then loaded back to the tail pipe the purpose is not to tilt the tail shaft resulting in the belt when the pulley running partial side 皮帶張力的確認 式 若飛行時 做鐘擺動作會有 帶敲尾管聲代表太鬆 新款加寬尾 帶不須拉太緊 緊度在剛剛好不 敲尾管的狀態 就不會有跳齒的問題 正常 帶運轉會在兩側游走 若發現 帶 直在單邊游走 可 能就要進行平 基準要進行確認 Confirmation of belt tension If flying action will have to do a pendulum belt knocking sound on behalf of the tail pip...

Page 26: ...tform board joints with a knife grinding some guide angle grinding into the plug so far if found too loose after the point of quick to dry so that he firmly on the side board 腳架上的膠墊和腳架位置建議要用搓刀去掉銳角 以免 久或因外力造成膠圈破損 亦可以拿螺絲 鎖進預留的孔後 要不要膠墊就依實際需要而定 The mat and the tripod on the tripod is recommended to use the knife to remove the acute angle so as to avoid long or due to external damage caused by the apro...
