The object of power glide hockey is to be the first player to score 10 goals against the opposing player.
A coin toss is used to determine which player starts with the puck (serve). The player winning the coin
toss gets the puck and begins play by striking the puck with his/her pusher onto the opponent's side.
Players can strike the puck anywhere on their half of the playing surface.
Players cannot cross the centerline to strike the puck. If a goal is scored when a player strikes the
puck over the centerline, it does not count.
A player may stand anywhere around the table on his/her side of the centerline.
Players may not stand past that line.
When the puck contacts any part of the centerline, either player may strike the puck to score.
A goal is scored when the puck enters and drops inside the opponent's goal.
The player scored upon receives possession of the puck for the next serve.
If the puck stops in the goal and has tilted into the goal drop, it counts as a goal.
If the puck stops in the goal and has not tilted into the goal, it does not count as a goal.
Player can move the puck out of the goal area with his/her hand or pusher.
If the puck rebounds out of the goal, the point does not count.
The first player to score 10 points is declared the winner.
Game Rules
Power Glide Hockey
Billiard Table Game Rules
8- Ball:
All 15 balls are racked with the 8 ball in the middle (many players also alternate stripes and solids at the
end of the bottom row). The balls are broken wide open. No matter what happens on the break, the sho-
oter still has his choice of playing stripes or solids. The first player to sink a striped or solid ball is comm-
itted to those balls for the remainder of the game. After a player has pocketed all his stripe or solid balls,
he may shoot at the 8 ball. The shooter must call the pocket for the 8 ball. If he misses, the game contin-
ues. Once the 8 ball is legally pocketed
a winner is declared.
The 1 through 9 numbered object balls are racked in a diamond shape with the 9 ball in the middle. If a
ball is pocketed on the break, the shooter continues his turn. If no balls are pocketed on the break, the
next player takes his turn. The shooter must make contact with the lowest numbered ball on the table fi-
rst; if he does that, any ball that goes in is considered good and he continues to shoot.
Whoever legally makes the 9 ball wins the game (the pocket must be called). The penalty for failure to hit
the lowest numbered ball first is that your opponent is awarded "ball in hand". The shooter awarded ball in
hand may place the cue ball anywhere on the table for his next shot.
Table Tennis
Singles Rules
1. Opponents will conduct a coin flip, the winner may choose either end of the table or the right to serve
or receive first. If they choose an end, the other player has the choice of serving or receiving first. Each
match shall consist of the best two out of three games with the winning player reaching 21 points first
or being ahead by two after the score reaches 20 all in each game.