In areas where de-icing salts are used on highways in the winter, accelerated corrosion of the steel
reinforcement (rebar) often occurs.
A potential survey (on 4 ft centers) of the rebar will provide useful data as to the presence or absence of
active corrosion on rebar.
For more details on this type of survey, see ASTM Spec. C-876 or write to the M.C. Miller Co. for
There is an optional LC Adapter Plate (5701) which mounts by means of Velcro pads, without use of tools,
to the bottom of the meter case. The adapter plate provides a ¼-20 female electrical and mechanical
connection into which an intermediate electrode extension (16203) is screwed. Any of MCM’s copper
sulfate reference electrodes can be screwed into the female end of the intermediate extension to obtain a
rigid, watertight connection.
With this test set-up in place, the electrode is now mechanically and electrically connected to the meter
which is at a convenient waist height.
Additional intermediate electrode extensions (16302
(each30” long) can be added to provide a greater distance
between electrode and the meter. The added length is desirable when measuring into manholes from the surface of the
ground, when measuring potentials in elevated water storage tanks, when measuring potential around and under the
hull of a ship, or when measuring underground storage tank potentials.
All of the power required to operate this meter is obtained from one 9V battery. Replacement is required
when the ”Lo Bat” indication shows up in the display. The “Lo Bat” indication shows up only when the
battery voltage drops below 6.8V. If the battery is not replaced within a few hours, the meter will start to
read high.
We suggest carrying a spare 9V battery so that you will not have to interrupt a survey.
Although any 9V battery will operate the LC4.5, we recommend the heavy-duty type, such as the Eveready
#1222. In cold weather, or when the resistance range is used often, an alkaline 9V battery, such as
Eveready #522 or Mallory # MN1604 will have a longer life.
Access to the battery is obtained by removing the four screws.