McIntosh Part No. 24112001
The continuous improvement of its products is the policy
of McIntosh Laboratory Incorporated who reserve the right
to improve design without notice. The RS150 is designed
to employ non-McIntosh-provided services some of which
require separate customer subscriptions and some of which
do not, as part of the Product’s functionality. Because
McIntosh cannot control the providers of such services or
the services themselves, the owner of the Product therefore
assumes all risks related to the use of services provided by
anyone other than McIntosh itself. McIntosh cannot and does
not warrant against, and shall have no liability of any kind
for any of the following that are attributable to non-McIntosh
providers or services: (i) interruption, discontinuance, or
other unsatisfactory performance of service; (ii) reduced
Product functionality that is so attributable; or (iii) any other
loss or damage of any kind that is so attributable.