AddrMap Grid - Select Slave Addresses to Display
Select slave addresses to display and monitor address traffic. Click on
grid cells to Enable (checked) or Disabled (x) slave address for display.
Enabled addresses show bus message activity with a red dot. Selecting
a grid cell clears traffic indicator.
Menu Controls:
File|Load - Load a File
Load a previously stored file for processing or display. The software can
read/process/display log files (*.i2c) previously collected from the monitor,
or can read/display any ASCII text (*.txt) file. Message data is displayed
according to the current slave addresses, display options, and data
protocol selected. ASCII text files are simply displayed.
File|Save As - Save Data to File
Save the currently displayed data to a file. Up to 32K characters currently
displayed can be saved in a log file (*.i2c) or ASCII text (*.txt) file. Saved
files can be redisplayed using the File|Load menu item.
File|Print Setup - Setup printer.