Updating McAfee QuickClean
McAfee QuickClean 3.0
Auto Inquiry
: If Auto Inquiry is enabled, it allows you to receive
notification of product updates while connected to the Internet. We do
not recommend Auto Inquiry if you have slow Internet connection
Manual Updating
: If you rarely connect to the Internet, you may prefer
to use Manual Updating with your McAfee product. You can manually
update while connected to the Internet. To do this, select the UPDATE
function from within the individual product.
Manual Updating provides you with explicit control of the updating
Home page query
Related to Instant Updater is Home page query. This feature allows you to
configure your McAfee product’s home page to display a message when an
update is available. After you install your McAfee software, Home page query
“on” is the default setting.
For additional information regarding auto inquiry and auto update settings,
please refer to on-line Help.