Managing Programs To Free Disk Space
McAfee QuickClean 3.0
Archiving a program using Archive
Use the Archive wizard to create a compressed backup copy, called an archive,
of an application and remove it from your computer until you need it again.
After the Archive wizard creates the compressed archive file, it removes the
application from the folder where it was installed, but leaves the shortcuts to
the application in place. When you click a shortcut to the application in the
Windows Start menu Programs list, or on your Windows desktop, taskbar, or
elsewhere, a message box appears, explaining that UnInstaller has archived
the application and asking if you would like to restore it.
You can also use the Restore wizard to restore archived
Choose the Archive wizard if you:
Want to store useful applications that you rarely use.
If you have old games or specialized programs, archive them to free disk
space, but keep the shortcuts and other entry points available from your
desktop. QuickClean keeps track of applications that you have archived.
Their shortcuts and Start menu Programs list entries remain in place. If
you click a shortcut or Programs list entry for an archived application,
you can choose whether to restore the application.
Think you might need an application again.
If you are not sure that you want to get rid of an application entirely,
instead of using the Remove wizard and creating a backup file, use the
Archive wizard and retain information.
Want to free space on your computer by removing an application
If you need disk space to perform a task that requires a large amount of
temporary space, for example, you can archive applications to free the
space. Then you can quickly restore the applications when you no longer
need their disk space.
Monitoring a program’s installation using
The BackTrack wizard can restore your system to the state it was in before you
installed a monitored application.