Each executable is specified inside the brackets
using -path, -hash, -sdn, -desc. There can be
{Include/Exclude file name path,
fingerprint, signer or description}
multiple brackets for each section and inside the
brackets you can have one or more options. The
-path (file path name), -sdn (file signer), and
-desc (file description) values are strings and
need to be TCL escaped if they contain spaces
or other TCL reserved characters. The -hash
(MD5 hash) value is a 32-character hexbin
Example: Executable {Include -path
"C:\\Program Files\\McAfee\\VirusScan
Enterprise\\Mcshield.exe" -sdn
"CN=\"mcafee,inc.\", OU=iss, OU=digital id class
3 - microsoft software validation v2,
O=\"mcafee, inc.\", L=santa clara,
ST=california, C=us" -desc "On-Access Scanner
If a rule applies to all executables, use *. On
UNIX this section is case-sensitive.
The operation types are class dependent, and are
listed for each class in the later sections.
operation type
You can create a signature with multiple rules by simply adding one rule after another.
Keep in mind that each rule in the same signature must have the same value for its id and level
Use of Include and Exclude
When you mark a section value as Include, the section works on the value indicated; when you
mark a section value as Exclude, the section works on all values except the one indicated. When
you use these keywords, they are enclosed in brackets { ... }.
With the standard subrule, use a single backslash in file paths; with the export subrule,
use double backslashes in file paths. The standard subrule translates the single slashes to
required double slashes, while the expert subrule performs no translation.
For example, to monitor all the text files in C:\test\:
files { Include C:\\test\\*.txt }
and to monitor all the files except the text files in C:\test\:
files { Exclude C:\\test\\*.txt }
Combine the keywords to exclude values from a set of included values. To monitor all the text
files in folder C:\test\ except file abc.txt:,
files { Include C:\\test\\*.txt }
files { Exclude C:\\test\\abc.txt }
Each time you add the same section with the same keyword, you add an operation. To monitor
any text file in folder C:\test\ whose name starts with the string “abc”:
files { Include C:\\test\\*.txt }
files { Include C:\\test\\abc* }
In precedence order, exclude wins over include. Here are three examples:
Appendix A — Writing Custom Signatures and Exceptions
Rule structure
McAfee Host Intrusion Prevention 8.0 Product Guide for ePolicy Orchestrator 4.5