Automatic door-lock/unlock
CX-9 /2007 Version 1.0
Page 14
Check that the grey wire is correctly connected to black/violet wire
When you connect the grey wire to ground with a test wire, the doors should
If you
the door-locks do make a clicking sound when move the parking-brake between
pressed and released, it could mean they are activated but either:
Check whether you can lock/unlock manual. If
One of the doors is still open. Check the doors and your internal lights; if they
are on, a door is still open.
Pulse Relay-B might be in constant on. Check whether Relay-B is only one during
the pulse for ~1.5 seconds.
Disconnect grey wire and see whether manual switch now works, if so:
Check your circuit (Maybe capacitor C2 is defect or wrongly
connected (watch the polarization of the capacitors !)
Maybe the door-locks try to unlock, instead of lock, or opposite.
To check whether the door-locks try to LOCK instead of Unlock, unlock the doors
manual and repeat the test step B. If the doors now lock, you have reversed the
resistor R2 connection on the relay. (we are only human)
Don’t hold the UNLOCK door switch pressed at the same time as pressing and releasing
the parking-brake. It would harm, but it does not help either.
Test whether grey wire is correctly connected.
With a test wire connect grey wire to ground. Door should UNLOCK.
With a test wire connect grey wire to resistor of 1K (1000 Ohm) and connect
other side of resistor to ground. Door should LOCK.
Disconnect grey wire from V/W wire and with an ohm meter check that the grey wire is
NOT making connection constant to ground. With the ignition key in ON, wait 3 seconds,
press and release parking brake couple of times. You should see the meter do a short
before showing open circuit again (detection is the right word, the needle will
move only shortly)
If either is not working remove the circuit (e.g. disconnect grey wire from V/W
wire and double check you component connections.
The pulse time is too short. Increase the value of capacitor C2, but don’t make it more
than three-quarter the value of C1. If longer time is needed increase C1 value
accordingly. (This step is very unusual to be needed, but MAYBE you are unlucky…)