Automatic door-lock/unlock
CX-9 /2007 Version 1.0
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CX-9 Automatic Door-lock/Unlock
When we bought a Mazda CX-9 in 2007, we were surprised to find that there is NO automatic door-lock.
I have searched Internet and many people had the same surprise. It was confirmed by Mazda that the
CX9 does not have automatic door-lock either. Time for action !
As the door-mechanism is NOT designed to open the door and unlock the door at the same time, I
looked for a way for automatic lock AND unlock to prevent having to press unlock first before exiting the
car (call me lazy). If you don’t want automatic unlock however a small modification is described in
alternative chapter 3 in the document.
I wanted to keep the design simple, easy to build for people with little electronic knowledge, easy to
diagnose in case of issues and low cost. As a result I have designed it with relays and it can be built in 1