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1 – Suv purkagichining tuynugi
2 – Suv quyish teshigining qopqog’i
3 – Bug’ni doimiy berish sozlagichi
4 – Suv purkagichining tugmasi
5 – Bug’ni berishning tugmasi
6 - Isitish elementini yoqish/o’chirish indikatori
7 - Tarmoq simining himoyasi
8 – Dazmol asosi
9 – Suv uchun sig’im
10 – Haroratning sozlagichi
11 – Suvning maksimal sathining ko’rsatkichi 
12 – Dazmol tagligi
13 - O’lchov stakanchasi


Foydalanishdan avval yo’riqnomani diqqat bilan 
o’qib chiqing, shuningdek rasmlarga e’tibor 
•  Dazmolni yoqishdan avval tarmoqda kuchlanish 

dazmolning ish kuchlanishiga mos kelishiga 
ishonch hosil qiling.

•  Tarmoq simi "evrovilka" bilan jihozlangan; uni 

ishonchli yerga tutashish simi bo’lgan rozetkaga 


Yong’in kelib chiqishi xavfi 


uchun asbobni elektr rozetkaga ulashda 
moslashtirgichlardan foydalanmang.

•  Elektr tarmoqqa ortiqcha yuk tushmasligi uchun 

bir vaqtning o’zida katta iste’mol quvvati bo’lgan 
bir nechta asbobni yoqmang.

• Dazmoldan faqat yo’riqnomada ko’rsatilgan 

maqsadlarda foydalaning.

• Dazmoldan 




•  Dazmolni tekis barqaror yuzaga qo’ying, yoki 

dazmollash taxtasidan foydalaning.

•  Yoqilgan dazmolni qarovsiz qoldirmang.

Dazmoldan foydalanmaganda doimo uni 
tarmoqdan o’chirib qo’ying.

•  Idishni suv bilan to’ldirishda doimo dazmolning 

tarmoq vilkasini  rozetkadan o’chiring.

•  Suv bilan to’ldirish uchun tuynuk dazmollash 

paytida yopilgan bo’lishi kerak.

•  Suv idishiga xushbo’ylashtiradigan suyuqliklarni, 

sirka, ohor eritmasini, quyqani tozalash uchun 
reagentlar, kimyoviy moddalar va hokazolarni 
quyish taqiqlanadi.

• Kuymaslik uchun terining ochiq joylariga 

dazmolning issiq qismlari yoki chiqayotgan bug’ 
tegib ketishidan ehtiyot bo’ling.

•  Tarmoq simi dazmollash taxtasining chetidan 

osilib tushmasligi, shuningdek issiq yuzalarga 
tegmasligini kuzatib turing.

•  Dazmolni elektr tarmog’iga yoqish/o’chirishdan 

avval, dazmol haroratining sozlagichini «min» 
holatiga, bug’ni doimiy berish sozlagichini esa 
« » holatiga o’rnating.

•  Dazmolni elektr tarmog’idan o’chirganda doimo 

tarmoq vlkasidan ushlang, hech qachon tarmoq 
simidan tortmang.

•  Elektr tokining zarbasi bilan shikastlanishga yo’l 

qo’ymaslik uchun dazmolni suvga yoki boshqa 
istalgan suyuqlikka botirmang.

• Dazmolni olib qo’yishdan avval suvning 

qolganini to’kib tashlang va uning to’liq sovishini 


Faqat dazmol tarmoqdan o’chirilganidan 
keyingina suvni to’kib tashlang.

• Tarmoq vilkasi, tarmoq simi shikastlangan, 

shuningdek boshqa har qanday nosozliklari 
bo’lgan dazmoldan foydalanmang.

•  Dazmol tushib ketganidan keyin, uning ustida 

ko’rinib turgan shikastlanishlar bo’lganda yoki 
undan suv oqib chiqadigan holda  dazmoldan 

• Elektr tokining zarbasi bilan shikastlanishga 

yo’l qo’ymaslik uchun hech qachon dazmolni 
mustaqil qismlarga ajratmang, nosozlik 
aniqlanganda faqat ro’yxatga olingan rasmiy 
servis markaziga murojaat qiling.


Bolalarga buyumdan o’yinchoq sifatida 
foydalanishga ruxsat bermang.

• Bolalar va imkoniyati cheklangan kishilarga 

yaqin joyda asbobdan foydalanganda ayniqsa 
ehtiyot bo’ling. 

  Ularga buyumdan qarovsiz holda foydalanishga 

ruxsat bermang.

•  Bolalar yoki imkoniyatlari cheklangan kishilar 

fendan foydalanganda alohida e’tibor berish 
lozim. Buyumdan foydalanish faqat ularga 
buyumdan xavfsiz foydalanish to’g’risida va 
buyumdan noto’g’ri foydalanganda yuzaga 
kelishi mumkin bo’lgan xavfl ar to’g’risida tegishli 
va tushunarli yo’riqnomalar berilgan holdagina 
ruxsat etiladi.

•  Buyumni bolalar yeta olmaydigan, quruq salqin 

joyda, vertikal qo’yilgan holatda saqlang.


Buyum faqat uyda foydalanish uchun 


• Dazmolni o’ramdan ochib oling va dazmol 

MW-3014.indd   35

MW-3014.indd   35

25.03.2011   17:45:10

25.03.2011   17:45:10

Summary of Contents for MW-3014

Page 1: ...Maxwell MW 3014 indd 1 MW 3014 indd 1 25 03 2011 17 45 04 25 03 2011 17 45 04...

Page 2: ...2 MW 3014 indd 2 MW 3014 indd 2 25 03 2011 17 45 07 25 03 2011 17 45 07...

Page 3: ...3 MAXWELL 7 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 min MW 3014 indd 3 MW 3014 indd 3 25 03 2011 17 45 07 25 03 2011 17 45 07...

Page 4: ...4 12 10 min 3 2 13 2 MAX 2 12 9 MAX 8 MW 3014 indd 4 MW 3014 indd 4 25 03 2011 17 45 07 25 03 2011 17 45 07...

Page 5: ...5 10 max 6 12 6 3 4 9 8 10 max 3 6 6 10 min 12 8 9 10 max 6 12 6 3 12 10 min 3 3 10 max 5 5 4 5 10 max 15 30 5 4 5 12 MW 3014 indd 5 MW 3014 indd 5 25 03 2011 17 45 07 25 03 2011 17 45 07...

Page 6: ...6 3 9 max 13 8 10 max 6 12 6 3 SELF CLEAN 12 9 8 12 9 12 10 min 3 2 9 2 1 1 220 240 50 1850 2200 3 4 2413 MW 3014 indd 6 MW 3014 indd 6 25 03 2011 17 45 07 25 03 2011 17 45 07...

Page 7: ...burns Provide that the power cord is not hanging over the edge of the ironing board and make sure that it does not touch hot surfaces Before plugging unplugging the unit set the temperature control to...

Page 8: ...her types crimped raised etc are best ironed at low temperature First sort items by ironing temperature wool with wool cotton with cotton etc The iron heats up faster than is cools down For this reaso...

Page 9: ...ontrol 3 set the required intensity of the vapor gen eration steam will start going out of the openings of the iron sole 12 After usage of the iron set temperature control 10 to the min position and t...

Page 10: ...with a damp cloth and then wipe dry Sediment on the iron sole can be removed with a cloth dampened in vinegar water so lution After removing sediment polish the sole with a dry cloth Do not use abras...

Page 11: ...iden Achten Sie darauf dass das Netzkabel auf dem B gelbrett nicht liegt sowie hei e Ober chen nicht ber hrt Stellen Sie den Temperaturregler in die Position MIN und den Regler der konstan ten Dampfzu...

Page 12: ...emperatur geb gelt werden Zuerst sollen Sie die Sachen entsprechend der B geltemperatur aussortieren Synthesefaser zu Synthesefaser Wolle zu Wolle Baumwolle zu Baumwolle usw Das B geleisen wird schnel...

Page 13: ...dem Regler der konstanten Dampfzufuhr 3 ein dabei f ngt der Dampf an aus den ffnungen der Gleitsohle 12 des B geleisens auszutreten Stellen Sie nach dem B geln den Temperaturregler 10 in die Position...

Page 14: ...t ist Wischen Sie das Geh use des B geleisens mit einem feuchten Tuch danach trocknen Sie es Ablagerungen an der Gleitsohle des B geleisens k nnen Sie mit einem Stoff abwischen der mit Wasser und Essi...

Page 15: ...15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 min 5 15 MW 3014 indd 15 MW 3014 indd 15 25 03 2011 17 45 08 25 03 2011 17 45 08...

Page 16: ...16 10 min 3 2 13 2 MAX 9 5 10 MAX 8 10 max 6 12 6 MW 3014 indd 16 MW 3014 indd 16 25 03 2011 17 45 08 25 03 2011 17 45 08...

Page 17: ...17 3 4 8 10 max 3 6 6 10 min 5 5 8 10 max 6 12 6 3 10 10 min 3 3 10 5 5 4 5 10 15 30 5 4 5 12 7 MW 3014 indd 17 MW 3014 indd 17 25 03 2011 17 45 08 25 03 2011 17 45 08...

Page 18: ...max 6 12 6 3 SELF CLEAN 12 9 8 12 12 10 min 3 2 9 2 1 1 220 240 50 1850 2200 3 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i 89 336 EEC i i i i i i 73 23 EEC MW 3014 indd 18 MW 3014 indd 18 25 03 2011 17 45 08 25 0...

Page 19: ...ele erbin i ale erului de c lcat sau cu aburii emi i pentru a evita arsurile Nu l sa i cordonul de alimentare s at rne de pe sc ndura de c lcat sau s ating suprafe e erbin i nainte de a deconecta con...

Page 20: nainte de c lcare sorta i hainele conform temperaturii de c lcare sinteticele la sinteti ce l na la l n bumbacul la bumbac etc Fierul de c lcat se nc lze te mai repede de c t se r ce te De aceea de...

Page 21: ...pozi ia eliberarea aburului este oprit Scoate i a de alimentare din priz i permi te i erului de c lcat s se r ceasc ATEN IE n cazul n care n timpul utiliz rii nu are loc eli berarea continu a aburilo...

Page 22: o c rp uscat Nu folosi i pentru cur area t lpii i a corpului erului de c lcat agen i de cur are abrazivi Evita i contactul t lpii erului de c lcat cu obiecte metalice ascu ite DEPOZITARE Roti i re...

Page 23: ...s ov ra ne skl n la s okraji ehl c mi desky a tak ne t kala se tepl ch povrch P ed odpojen m p ipojen m ehli ky do elektrick s t ustanovte regul tor teploty v pozic min a regul tor plynn dodavky p ry...

Page 24: ...t Zpo tku sortujte v c dle teploty ehlen syntetik do syntetiky vlna do vlny bavlna do bavlny atd ehli ka se nah v rychleji m chladne Proto zpo tku se doporu uje ehlit v c p i n zk teplot nap klad synt...

Page 25: ...te regul tor teploty 10 v polohu min a regul tor st le dod v ky p ry 3 v polohu p vod p ry vypnu ty Vyt hnete vidlice s ov ry ze z suvky i do kejte pln ho chlazen ehli ky POZOR Pokud b hem pr ce nedo...

Page 26: ...ou v octov m vodn m roztoku Za odstran n usazeniny vyle t te povrch podlo ky suchou l tkou Nepou vejte pro i t n podlo ky i pouzdra ehli ky brousic istic prost edky Vyh bejte se styku podlo ky ehli ky...

Page 27: ...27 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 min 12 27 MW 3014 indd 27 MW 3014 indd 27 25 03 2011 17 45 09 25 03 2011 17 45 09...

Page 28: ...28 10 min 3 2 13 2 MAX 2 12 9 MAX 8 10 max 6 12 6 MW 3014 indd 28 MW 3014 indd 28 25 03 2011 17 45 09 25 03 2011 17 45 09...

Page 29: ...29 3 4 9 8 10 max 3 6 6 10 min 12 8 9 10 max 6 12 6 3 12 10 min 3 3 10 max 5 5 4 5 10 max 15 30 5 4 5 12 MW 3014 indd 29 MW 3014 indd 29 25 03 2011 17 45 09 25 03 2011 17 45 09...

Page 30: ...30 3 9 max 13 8 10 max 6 12 6 3 SELF CLEAN 12 9 8 12 9 12 10 min 3 2 9 2 1 1 220 240 50 1850 2200 3 89 336 73 23 MW 3014 indd 30 MW 3014 indd 30 25 03 2011 17 45 10 25 03 2011 17 45 10...

Page 31: ...31 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 min 31 MW 3014 indd 31 MW 3014 indd 31 25 03 2011 17 45 10 25 03 2011 17 45 10...

Page 32: ...32 I 12 10 min 3 2 13 2 MAX 2 12 9 MAX 8 10 max 6 12 MW 3014 indd 32 MW 3014 indd 32 25 03 2011 17 45 10 25 03 2011 17 45 10...

Page 33: ...33 I 6 3 4 9 8 10 max 3 6 6 10 min 12 8 9 10 max 6 12 6 3 12 10 min 3 3 10 max 5 5 4 5 10 max 15 30 5 4 5 12 MW 3014 indd 33 MW 3014 indd 33 25 03 2011 17 45 10 25 03 2011 17 45 10...

Page 34: ...34 I 3 9 max 13 8 10 max 6 12 6 3 SELF CLEAN 12 9 8 12 9 12 10 min 3 2 9 2 1 1 220 240 50 1850 2200 3 i 89 336 i i i 73 23 EC MW 3014 indd 34 MW 3014 indd 34 25 03 2011 17 45 10 25 03 2011 17 45 10...

Page 35: ...osilib tushmasligi shuningdek issiq yuzalarga tegmasligini kuzatib turing Dazmolni elektr tarmog iga yoqish o chirishdan avval dazmol haroratining sozlagichini min holatiga bug ni doimiy berish sozlag...

Page 36: ...gofre qilingan rel e i va hokazo uni eng yaxshisi past haroratda dazmollash lozim Avval byuumlarni dazmollash haroratiga ko ra saralab oling jun junli buyumlar ip gazlama shunday buyumlar bilan va hok...

Page 37: ...zlagichini 10 minimum holatiga bug ni doimiy berish sozlagichini 3 esa bug ni berish o chirilgan holatiga o rnating Tarmoq simining vilkasini rozetkadan chiqarib oling va dazmolning to liq sovishini k...

Page 38: PARVARISH QILISH VA TOZALASH Dazmolni tozalashdan avval uning tarmoqdan o chirilganligi va soviganligiga ishonch hosil qiling Dazmol korpusini ozgina nam bo lgan mato bilan arting keyin uni qurigun...

Page 39: 0606xxxxxxx dass die Ware im Juni der sechste Monat 2006 hergestellt wurde KZ 0606 2006 RO MD Data fabric rii este indicat n num rul de serie pe tabelul cu datele tehnice Num rul de serie reprezint...

Page 40: ...2011 GOLDER ELECTRONICS LLC 2011 MW 3014 indd 40 MW 3014 indd 40 25 03 2011 17 45 11 25 03 2011 17 45 11...
