Copyright Maxford USA 2019
Check the
point, which is about 263
measured at the center of the upper wing center section.
Perform a radio range check with the engine running.
Adjust the control-surface throws:
30 degrees up / down
30 degrees left / right
30 degrees up / down
Check the heat-shrink covering material’s joints and surfaces; if necessary,
dedicated covering-material
areas. Always use low heat to prevent any possible damage the covering mylar.
retighten from time to time, being especially careful to ke
Check/adjust servo centering, direction and end
you pull the right stick toward you, the elevator should deflect upwards; push the right stick to
the right and the right aileron should de
downwards; push the left stick left and the rudder should deflect to the left as viewed from the
rear of the fuselage. Review your radio’s instruction manual if you require assistance with any
radio-related installation or servo
Double-check the security of the engine/motor
and other connections throughout the airframe are secure.
Double-check the control directions of the throttle, ailero
As with all radio-controlled model airplanes, this model must pass the radio range ground
check recommended by your radio’s manufacturer, or you may not safely fly.
Get into the habit of moving your transmitter’s throttle to minimu
radio system, and carefully break
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
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point, which is about 263-mm (about 10.35 in) behind the leading edge
measured at the center of the upper wing center section.
range check with the engine running.
surface throws:
30 degrees up / down
30 degrees left / right
30 degrees up / down
shrink covering material’s joints and surfaces; if necessary,
material heat gun/iron to secure the edges and to tighten any loosened
Always use low heat to prevent any possible damage the covering mylar.
retighten from time to time, being especially careful to keep the edges well sealed.
Check/adjust servo centering, direction and end-point adjustments. If you fly mode 2, when
you pull the right stick toward you, the elevator should deflect upwards; push the right stick to
the right and the right aileron should deflect upwards and the left aileron should deflect
downwards; push the left stick left and the rudder should deflect to the left as viewed from the
rear of the fuselage. Review your radio’s instruction manual if you require assistance with any
installation or servo-adjustment questions.
check the security of the engine/motor cowl and make certain that all screws, clevises
and other connections throughout the airframe are secure.
check the control directions of the throttle, ailerons, elevator and rudder.
controlled model airplanes, this model must pass the radio range ground
check recommended by your radio’s manufacturer, or you may not safely fly.
Get into the habit of moving your transmitter’s throttle to minimum before turning ON your
radio system, and carefully break-in and operate your engine or electric power system
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
mm (about 10.35 in) behind the leading edge
shrink covering material’s joints and surfaces; if necessary, carefully use a
iron to secure the edges and to tighten any loosened
Always use low heat to prevent any possible damage the covering mylar. Recheck and
ep the edges well sealed.
point adjustments. If you fly mode 2, when
you pull the right stick toward you, the elevator should deflect upwards; push the right stick to
flect upwards and the left aileron should deflect
downwards; push the left stick left and the rudder should deflect to the left as viewed from the
rear of the fuselage. Review your radio’s instruction manual if you require assistance with any
and make certain that all screws, clevises
ns, elevator and rudder.
controlled model airplanes, this model must pass the radio range ground
check recommended by your radio’s manufacturer, or you may not safely fly.
m before turning ON your
in and operate your engine or electric power system