User Manual
Battery charging
Current battery level is displayed on top bar of display.
To charge the battery dedicated power supply has to be connected to CHARGE socket at the
bottom of Remote. Remote automatically starts charging and suitable message will be
displayed. There is no possibility to use Remote while charging.
Figure 105. Battery charging screen
When charging is finished, user will be informed. Charger may be unplugged. Remote will be
automatically turned off.
Figure 106. Charging done message
Firmware uploading
To change the firmware, file FIRMWARE.BIN have to be placed inside BOOT folder of the
Remote’s memory. FIRMWARE.BIN file have to be encoded using device’s serial number.
To copy this file to Remote regular PC connection (if old firmware is working) or bootloader
mode can be used.
To start bootloader mode Remote must be turned off first. Then up and down arrow keys
have to be pressed and hold while ON/OFF is pressed to turn the device on. Remote starts in
bootloader mode, shows bootloader version, device’s serial number and allow to connect USB
cable to copy the file. After copying the file Remote have to be unmounted from the PC
system and turned off. When turned on again Remote looks in BOOT folder for new
firmware. If the file is OK and encoded with correct serial number, Remote will change
content of the firmware flash memory and the file will be renamed to FLASH.BIN.