Jumper 1 – This jumper enables you to clear the BIOS:
1. Turn the system off.
2. Short pins 2 and 3 on jumper 1.
3. Return the jumper to the normal setting.
4. Turn the system on. The BIOS is returned to the de-
fault settings.
Jumper 2 – This jumper enables you to prevent the BIOS
from being updated (flashed). Set the jumper to unlock to up-
date your BIOS. After updating the BIOS, change it to the
locked setting. For instructions on updating, the BIOS refer to
Chapter 3.
Jumper 3 – This jumper allows the system to be awaken from
power saving mode upon any keyboard activity.
Jumper 8 ~ Jumper 12 –Use these 3 x 5 pin jumpers to
manually set the CPU core voltage.
Refer to the table on the next page for pin information.