oNCe tHe UNIt or replACeMeNt pArt IS fUlly INStAlleD AND ASSeMbleD AND
properly plACeD oN tHe floor, USe tHe folloWINg INStrUCtIoNS to teSt
1) Without hitting start or entering any program modes, step on the pedals and hold the handlebars while stepping to simulate exercising.
While moving, listen for any odd noises or squeaks.
2) After stopping movement, press the GO button and begin stepping.
3) Grasp the hand grips to check for proper heart rate response.
4) Press the level up and down buttons on the console and hand grips to make sure resistance is fully functional.
5) If everything functions properly, stop stepping (or press STOP) and the unit will reset to normal operation within 30 seconds.
7.22 teStINg tHe Stepper
CHApter 7: pArt replACeMeNt gUIDe