7.14 geNerAtor replACeMeNt
CHApter 7: pArt replACeMeNt gUIDe
1) Remove the shrouds as outlined in Section 7.11.
2) Remove the 6 screws holding the Generator to the frame (Figure A).
3) Remove the nut from the tension eye bolt (Figure B).
4) Once the nut from the tension eye bolt has been removed, the Generator belt can be walked off the Generator pulley (Figure C).
5) Disconnect the Generator wire harness (Figure D), and remove the Generator.
6) Reverse Steps 1-5 to install a new Generator. NOTE: Be sure to re-tension the Generator belt to 85 ft / lbs. .
7) Test the stepper for function as outlined in Section 7.22.
fIgUre A
fIgUre b
fIgUre C
fIgUre D