7. Working with the pole-mounted
powered pruner unit
7.1 Precautions during the sawing procedure
In order to reduce the risk of injury and
accident as much as possible, it is important
to be sufficiently informed about the sawing
procedures and precautionary measures
for accident prevention. Therefore, read the
following instructions carefully and observe the
safety instructions in chapter 2 during your entire
work process:
max 60
- Never stand directly under the branch you
want to saw off. The danger of the branch
unexpectedly falling on you is very great. In
general, it is recommended to set the branch saw
at an angle of 60 ° to the branch.
- Hold the appliance firmly with both hands
during the cutting process and always ensure
that the machine is in an equilibrium position
and that it is strong.
- Never try to operate your tool with one hand.
Losing control of your tool can result in serious
injury or death. Never work on a ladder, a tree
branch or other from an unsafe ground.
- Do not saw strong branches in one cut, but
always in several steps.
- Place the saw chain on the branch for cutting.
- Apply light pressure to guide the unit, but do
not overload the engine.
- Adhere to the cutting technique given
in chapter 7.2 to avoid injuries and to not
sustainably damage your trees.
Clear the work area before cutting off disturbing
branches and undergrowth. Then create a retreat
area, away from the place where cut branches
can fall, and remove all obstacles there. Keep
the work area clear, remove the cut branches
immediately. Pay attention to your position, the
wind direction and the possible fall direction of
the branches. Be prepared for fallen branches to
strike back. Place all other tools and equipment
at a safe distance from the branches to be cut,
but not in the blowback area.
Always observe the condition of the tree.
Look for decay and putrefaction in the roots
and branches. If these are rotten inside, they
can unexpectedly break away and fall off while
cutting. Also look for broken and dead branches
that could be released by the shock and fall on
you. For very thick or heavy branches, make