e.g. T7xe console sHoWn
T7xe console DescRiPTion
The Matrix machine is inspected before it is packaged. It is shipped in
two pieces: the base and the console. Carefully unpack the unit and
dispose of the box material. Note: There is a thin protective sheet of
clear plastic on the overlay of the console that should be removed
before use.
The T7xe has a fully integrated touch screen display. All information
required for workouts is explained on screen. Exploration of the
interface is highly encouraged. The information explaining how to
program for various workouts will give an explanation about the
contents of each screen on the T7xe.
A) go:
One Touch Start.
b) sToP:
Ends workout and shows workout summary data.
c) incline Toggles:
Adjust incline during workout.
D) sPeeD Toggles:
Adjust speed during workout.
e) cool DoWn:
Puts treadmill into Cool Down mode. Cool
Down time is dependent on the length of the workout. Workouts
19 minutes and shorter will have a cool down length of 2
minutes. Workouts 20 minutes and longer will have a cool down
length of 5 minutes.
f) eMeRgency sToP / iMMobiliZATion:
To stop all functions
and immobilize the unit. The emergency stop on this treadmill
must be returned to its original position in order to allow normal
operation of the unit.
T7xe enTeRTAinMenT Zone
g) VolUMe UP/DoWn:
Adjusts the volume output through
H) cHAnnel UP/DoWn:
Allows for channel selection on the
integrated console TV.
Will take the user back to the home screen.
J) lAsT cHAnnel:
Allows the user to cycle between the current
channel and the previous channel they were viewing.
K) cc/MUTe:
Mutes sound and turns closed captioning on or off.
l) DisPlAy MoDe:
Allows user to cycle through display modes.
M) nUMbeR KeyPAD:
Allows for easy number inputs.
n) RfiD sensoR:
Wireless login access location (optional add-
on feature).
cHAPTeR 4: console oVeRlAy AnD WoRKoUT DescRiPTion
4.1 console DescRiPTion
- conTinUeD
Summary of Contents for 7xe
Page 1: ...2 0 1 6 7 x e 7 x i c o n s o l e SE R V ICE M A N U A l...
Page 37: ...35 pad Chapter 8 Troubleshooting 8 1 electrical diagramS CONTINUED Digital Communication Wire...
Page 62: ...60 NOTES...
Page 63: ...61 MATrix Fitness systems corp 1610 Landmark Drive Cottage Grove wi 53527 USA REV 01 KO...