MSC-CP8X8E Product Manual
Display all presets.
Display a single PRESET.
Example on a 16x4 system with 2 levels
>PView 1
1:1,1 2:2,2 3:6,7 4:0,-
The above example shows that Preset 1 would cause Destination 1 to be connected to Source 1 for both levels,
Destination 2 to be connected to Source 2 for both levels, Destination 3 to be connected to Source 6 for Level 1
and Source 7 for Level 2 (break away) and Destination 4 to be Muted for Level 1 and “No Change” would be
made for Level 2.
3.10.35 Reboot Command
Instructs the system to reboot, which is done after a brief delay. Ensures that all outstanding data writes are
written to non-volatile memory, prior to the reboot.
3.10.36 ReclkDis Command
Routers only - Protocol Version: 2.1
Command for disabling or enabling SDI reclockers. Not all router systems support this option. Value is saved
and recalled on power up.
Query current value of reclocker disable.
ReclkDis 0 | 1
Enable or disable reclockers (0 or 1 respectively).
>ReclkDis 1
The first command above queries the current reclocker disable value which returns 0 (the default, reclockers
enabled). The second command disables the reclockers.
3.10.37 RemoteSync Command
Routers only - Protocol Version: 2.1
Command to enable syncing matrices of two router systems. Usually used for creating a 3D matrix from two
router systems, which will result in one router controlling the left 3D channels and the other router controlling
the right channels. When enabled, this option synchronizes matrix crosspoint changes to the router IP address
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