MSC-5-1664 Product Manual
1.3.3 Matrix Routing
The Routing tab of the Web Page Interface provides a convenient way to view and change the matrix routing
state and is the default page shown.
A preset can also be recalled from this interface, by selecting one from the Load Preset drop down control.
Refer to the
section for more details.
1.3.4 Labels
Labels can be assigned to video (and audio if applicable) sources and destinations. Labels can also be assigned
to presets. Labels can be up to 8 characters in length. The default source labels use “Src” as a prefix, and the
destination labels use “Dest” as a prefix (example: Src1). The presets are labeled “Startup” for Preset 0 and
“PresetN”, where N is a number from 1 to 9, for the remaining presets.
The Labels Tab on the Web Page Interface can be used for modifying labels. Click the Save button to store any
changes that are made. Refer the
section for more details.
1.3.5 Presets
There are 10 stored matrix routing presets. Preset 0 is recalled on power up and by default routes source 1 to all
destinations. All other presets default to “No Change” for all destinations, which when recalled will have no
effect. Presets can assign a partial subset of destinations or all destinations as desired.
Presets can be modified on the Presets Tab of the Web Page Interface. Refer to the
section for more
1.4 Network Planning
The default device settings can be used without change in applications with a single router and optionally one
remote panel on the same Ethernet network. Larger installations or integration with existing IP LAN networks
require some network planning.
Matrix Switch Corporation can assist in planning and pre-configuring devices for specific application
requirements at purchase time. Just ask a sales or customer service representative.
Manual IP address management is recommended, although a DHCP server can be a convenient option for
centrally managing IP addresses by device MAC address, the net effect still being a fixed IP for each device.
Consult your DHCP server documentation for information on assigning IP addresses by MAC address, if this
option is chosen.
All devices which need to communicate with one another (routers, remote panels and computers) need to be
physically connected to the same LAN or allow IP packet routing between networks if on separate LANs.
Matrix Switch Corporation devices are meant for installation in trusted LAN
environments. In the event that remote device configuration or control is desired over public networks or the
Internet, it is strongly recommended that some form of inter-network security is utilized, such as firewalls and
encrypted VLAN or secure data tunnels. This is necessary to prevent undesired access to devices.
Devices on the same LAN need to be assigned unique IP addresses in the same IP subnet. Matrix Switch
Corporation devices are configured by default to use IP addresses in the class C IP subnet 192.168.2.x. When
integrating devices into an existing LAN network, unique IP addresses should be assigned from the applicable
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