MSC-5-1664 Product Manual
Define destination/source regions or assign media levels which a remote panel controls. This is typically used
to configure multiple remote panels to control portions of a video/audio router. For example, two 8x8 remote
panels could be used to control separate halves of an 8x16 router, the first would control the default destination
1-8 and the second would be configured using this command to control destination 9-16 (a destination offset of
9). Another useful configuration would be to configure one remote panel to control video only and another to
control audio only of a video/audio router by assigning primary level values of 1 and 2 respectively using this
command. This setting is stored and recalled on power up.
Query current panel offset settings, 4 values are returned
separated by commas, corresponding to the same values which
are assigned.
Assign panel destination/source offsets and level control
The DESTOFS parameter assigns a destination offset that determines which destination the button panel starts
on, 0 is used for no offset (default). The SRCOFS parameter is used likewise to assign a source offset. The
LVL1 and LVL2 parameters are used for modifying what levels the panel will control. The default is 0 for both
values which uses the default levels of 1 and 2 for the primary and secondary levels respectively. If LVL1 is
assigned a value other than 0 and LVL2 is 0 then the secondary level control will be disabled.
>PanelOfs 1,0,0,0
>PanelOfs 0,0,2,0
The first command just queries the current panel offset values, which returns all 0s (the default). The second
command assigns 1,0,0,0 which sets a destination offset of 1, which will set the first destination of the button
panel to destination 2. The third command sets up a button panel to control the 2nd level of a router.
3.30 PanelDis Command
Carina series only - Protocol Version: 2.4
Query or assign internal button interface panel disable setting. This setting is stored and recalled on power up.
Query internal panel disable setting.
PanelDis 0 | 1
Assign internal panel disable setting (0: enable, 1: disable)
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