It is not possible to adjust nominal capacity in ad-
Checking power rating when using
LP gas
Check that the type of nozzles used match manufac-
turer's specifications.
Check that the pressure reducer installed on the ap-
pliance has an outlet pressure in compliance with
paragraph "Testing the power rating", page 7(see
data plate or measure the pressure).
Checking the pilot light
When correctly adjusted, the pilot light flame should sur-
round the thermocouple and not flicker. If this is not the
case, adjust the gas flow rate and air.
Checking the primary air
The appliances are fitted with primary air adjustement.
Air flow volume is correct when there is sufficient
protection against the flame becoming detached
when the burner is cold or flare-back when it is hot.
Checking the functions
- Start the appliance in accordance with the
- Check the gas tubes for leaks;
- Check that the flame on the main burner lights
properly and is correctly formed;
- Check that the pilot light is correctly regulated;
- Draw up a servicing and maintenance contract.
Note for the installer
- Explain and demonstrate to the user how the ma-
c h i n e w o r k s a c c o r d i n g t o t h e i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d
hand him this manual.
- Remind the user that any structural alterations to
the room housing the appliance may affect the
combustion air supply. Once the alterations have
been completed, the appliance and its functions
should be thoroughly checked.
Running the appliance on other ty-
pes of gas
When changing to another type of gas, e.g. from na-
tural to LP, or to another gas group, consult the “TE-
C H N I C A L D A T A ” t a b l e t o d e t e r m i n e t h e c o r r e c t
nozzles to use.
The nozzles for the main burners for different types
of gas, marked in 100ths of mm, are in a case sup-
plied with the appliance. When the appliance has
been transformed or adapted, recheck its functions
as described in paragraph "Checking the functions".
Replacing the main burner nozzle
(Fig. 1)
To change nozzle (30), loose the fixing screws hol-
ding the control panel in place. Remove the panel.
Using a No. 11 wrench, unscrew the nozzle from the
nozzle holder; replace with a new nozzle (see “TE-
To make changing the nozzle easier, loosen screw
(39) to push the air adjustment sleeve back.
After fitting the nozzle, reset primary air distance
“A” (see “TECHNICAL DATA” table).
Adjusting the pilot burner (Fig. 6)
The pilot burner is easily accessible once the con-
trol panel has been removed (as described above).
The pilot burner has a fixed power supply. In order
to change to another type of gas, the burner injector
(36) should be replaced, according to the type of
gas used, by loosening the connector (35) (see
054-03 - Gas Bain-marie