EN / SCM20 & SCM40 PWM User’s Manual
3.7.1 General
Let installation work be done by a licensed
All electrical systems must be disconnected from
any power source during the entire installation!
Short circuiting or reversing DC polarity
may lead to damage to the Solar
Chargemaster, the cabling and/or the
terminal connections.
Follow all steps of the installation
instructions in order of succession as
Too-thin cables and/or loose connections can
cause dangerous overheating of the cables
and/or terminals. Therefore tighten all
connections well, in order to limit transition
resistance as far as possible. Use cables of the
correct size. Use additional strain reliefs to
prevent the transmission of stress to the screw
The negative connections of the Solar
ChargeMaster are common and therefore have
the same electrical potential. If grounding is
required, always do this on the negative wires.
Use one grounding point only.
If the battery temperature remains within 15-
25°C, connection of the battery temperature
sensor is optional
Installation step by step
1 Mark the position of the mounting spots. Then fix the
casing to the wall.
Fit boot lace ferrules to all DC-cables.
3 Integrate a fuse holder in the positive battery wire, but
do not place the fuse yet. Connect the wiring from the
Battery connection to the battery.
4 Optional: Attach the battery temperature sensor to the
casing the battery. Plug the temperature sensor cable
into the Temperature sensor jack.
Risk of shock! When the PV array is exposed to
light, it supplies a dangerous DC voltage. See
section 3.4!
Connect the PV array.to the PV input.
6 Connect the wiring of the Load-output (see section
3.5). Integrate a fuse holder in the positive load wire,
but do not place the fuse yet.
7 Check all wiring: positive to +, negative to –. See also
Figures 5 and 6 for wiring examples. If OK, continue
with section 3.8 for commissioning of the Solar