Use Instructions
Using your SkyMaster Fastback Soft Top
Your SkyMaster Fastback
top has been designed with
a fold-back “sunroof” feature
that gives you the ultimate
in open air experience!
To fold back your SkyMaster Soft Top:
See next pages.
If Needed: Corrective Action for mis-aligned
Windshield Header
If your windshield header is over-hanging or seems
“short” on the windshield, you will need to slightly
relocate the quick release knobs on the over door
bows forwards or backwards. This slight change will
move the entire header forward (for “short” mis-loca-
tion) or backward (For Header “over-hang”).
Locate the over door quick release knob shown in FIG
67. Remove the screw holding the knob on the tube
using a Philips head screw driver and move the quick
release Knob forward or backward (Backward for over-
hang, forward for short) about ¼” or less making sure
the slot on the quick release knob is facing up (FIG 68)
and the knob itself is facing inwards.
Using a 3/32 drill bit, drill a new pilot hole and attach
the screw you just removed in the new hole. Repeat
on the opposite side. This “fine tuning” will make your
MasterTop top air and water tight.
SkyMaster Assembly for Wrangler
Knob facing inward
with the slot in the
quick release
facing straight up
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