Step 4: Installing the Center Bow to
the Door Surrounds
Locate the Center Bow assembly with the pre-installed
quick release knuckles on the ends. With the top folded
back as shown in FIG20, locate the bottom rear-most
bracket hole (FIG21) and slip the rear bow through the
webbing strap loop located on corner of the top deck
(Fig 21A). Place the Quick Release knob into the hole
on the rear of the bow mount bracket (Knob facing out)
pull the knob out and down over the bracket until you
hear a “click” (FIGs 22 & 23). Repeat this procedure
(including the placement of the bow through the in-
stalled webbing strap loop) on the opposite side of the
vehicle completing the installation of the center bow to
the door surrounds.
SkyMaster Assembly for Wrangler
Step 5: Installing the Top Deck to the Jeep
With the over door bows installed in the bow mount
brackets, fold the top and header forward so it rests
on the windshield (FIG24).
Un-clip the sun visors and pull the top down to engage
the header clamps on each side of the windshield and
secure the Header to the windshield (FIGs 25, 26 & 27).
Once the front header is secured, go to the rear corner
of the Top deck and locate the rear corner straps.
Thread the straps down and under the seat belt mount
as shown in FIGs 28 & 29 and thread the strap through
the buckle (FIG30). Repeat this on the other side of the
vehicle and while pulling towards the rear of the vehicle,
tighten one strap and then the other side strap tighten-
ing up the top deck.
Do not tighten completely (FIG31).
IMPORTANT: The top deck MUST be centered on the
rear of the vehicle for the windows to fit properly.
When tightening the rear straps notice the location of
the rear bar sewn into the pocket on the top deck.
It needs to be centered on the rear roll bar legs.
Once the rear straps are secured (but not tightened all
the way), go inside the Jeep and locate the long center
bow flap.
Wrap this bow flap tightly around the center bow and
secure it with the hook and loop fastener (FIGs 32 & 33).
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