Installation Instructions
Installation Instructions
Loss of vehicle control involves risk of death or serious injury, particularly to parts of your body not
restrained within vehicle. This product is intended for weather protection only and should not be relied upon
to contain occupants in the event of an accident or to protect from either ground contact or falling objects.
To reduce risk of accident or injury:
Always keep head, arms & body parts within vehicle.
Fully secure or stow the soft top before driving according
to instructions. Never try to latch or fold soft top while
driving. Do not use if damaged or worn.
Read and follow all instructions & warnings accompanying
this product, in your vehicle owner’s manual and Off Road
Driving Supplement.
RISK OF EYE INJURY. Safety glasses should be worn at all times while installing or maintaining
this product.
SkyMaster™ Fastback Soft Top for 1997-2006
Wrangler TJ & Unlimited LJ
Item # 15501XXX
This Complete Soft Top kit is designed to fit on your TJ/LJ Jeep
Wrangler when the hard top or original soft top
has been completely removed. Before beginning your installation of this product, carefully remove your hard top
or current soft top and soft top hardware. Throughout the instruction sheet, photos will depict a TJ Wrangler for
reference. However, the installation on an Unlimited LJ Wrangler is the same.
During the installation of this product you will encounter several steps that will require two people
to properly install the soft top hardware.
Parts List:
A) Windshield Header with Top Deck QTY 1
B) Passenger Side Door Surround Kit QTY 1
C) Driver Side Door Surround Kit QTY 1
D) Tailgate Bar with Clips QTY 1
E) Center Bow QTY 1
F) Driver/Passenger Over Door Bows QTY 2
G) Drivers Side Quarter Window QTY 1
H) Passenger Side Quarter Window QTY 1
I) Rear Window QTY 1
J) Hardware Kit QTY 1
Required Tools:
Safety Glasses
Phillips Head Screwdriver 3/32” Drill Bit
Power Drill
1/8” Drill Bit (Hardtop Models ONLY)
Light Colored Marker
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