Potential Fire and Burn hazard. When singing the ends of the straps never let it
catch on fire. Always have a fire extinguisher handy in case the strap does catch
on fire. Once the Strap is singed, DO NOT touch the end of the strap as to avoid
the potential for burning skin. Always singe the straps outside in a well ventilated
area away from any fuel or the vehicle itself.
Care and Maintenance of your MasterTop
ShadeMaker™ Bimini Plus Top:
Your MasterTop ShadeMaker Bimini Top or Bimini Top Plus is made of the finest materials available but to
keep it looking new and for the maximum possible wear, it will need periodic cleaning and basic maintenance.
The main threat to your soft top is pollutants, dirt and grime. By keeping your top clean you will prolong the life
of your top.
We recommend the following to keep your top like new:
The top fabric should be washed often using a mild soap, warm water and a soft bristle brush. You can also
use special soft top cleaners available on our Distributors websites. Make sure that after cleaning you rinse
with clear water to remove all traces of soap to avoid residue. Hang to dry, do not put a ShadeMaker Top in a
clothes dryer.
For more information on MasterTop:
This and other helpful product information is available on
Please visit our website frequently for product updates and exciting news.
After Installation Strap Maintenance
Shorten Excess Length from Straps
To ensure installation of the Freedom Mesh Top goes as smoothly as possi-
ble, we have made several of the straps longer in length than is necessary.
To shorten the straps, follow the following procedure: With the top comple-
tely installed, using heavy duty scissors cut the desired length of strap at
a 45-degree angle (Angle makes threading strap through buckle easier for
future installs) (Fig A). Using a lighter, care- fully singe the ends of the strap
(run the flame quickly back and forth over the end of the strap) being
careful not to catch the strap on fire and keeping your fingers a safe distance from the fire (Figs B & C). This
process will seal the ends of the strap and keep it from unraveling. Repeat this procedure on any strap you
deem to be too long. See Warning below!