Installation of ShadeMaker Bimini Plus Top:
Step 3: Attaching the Rear Mesh to B-Pillar
On the Rear Mesh, locate the two center buckle straps with the hook straps. FIG11.Thread the hook straps into
and hook the straps into the oblong holes located directly in front of the buckles. The Hooks will
seem too big for these holes but they will go in if you twist them slightly back and forth. Do not tighten yet.
Locate the two outside front straps on the rear mesh as circled in Fig12. Wrap the straps under the B-Pillar/
Sound bar and back to the top buckle attached to the rear mesh (Fig 13). Repeat on the other side and
tighten these straps.
Locate the first side strap circled in FIG 14. This strap will wrap around the roll bar and attach to the buckle
located on the rear mesh top. Connect this strap to the buckle. Repeat this on the opposite side an tighten
these straps starting on one side and then going back and forth to make sure the top is centered.
There are two straps on each side of the rear roll bar as circled in FIG 16. Each of these rear straps attach
directly to the factory Torx head bolts on the inside top of the roll bar as highlighted in FIG 17. Using a T25
Torx bit (found in your factory on-board Torx tool kit) and driver, remove the screws on the roll bar shown in
FIG 18 and install the webbing using the same screw by running the screw through the hole at the end of the
strap. Once the webbing is installed on these Torx head bolts, thread the strap to the buckles as shown in FIG
Repeat on the other side and tighten
straps starting on the front rear strap working your way back
towards the rear of the vehicle (starting at the center front Hook straps). Be sure to tighten one strap on one
side then the other strap on the other side of the vehicle so you keep the mesh centered.