2) Prepare OT terminals: M4.
1) Prepare the grounding cable: recommend to use the 16mm² outdoor
copper-core cable.
B (insulation stripping length) is 2mm~3mm longer than A (OT cable
terminal crimping area) 2mm~3mm.
Figure5.7 suitable length
Figure5.8 strip wire
In order to improve the corrosion resistance of the grounding terminal, we
recommend that the external grounding terminal should be coated with
silica gel or paint for protection after completing the installation of the
grounding cable.
5. Installation
5. Installation
5.3.1 Protective ground wire connection(PE)
Master Battery
recommends 2 ground protection methods: Through the grid terminal
and the external heat sink connection.
If the AC terminal is used to connect the ground, please refer to the contents of 5.3.3.
If the heat sink is used to connect the ground, please follow the steps below:
For multiple inverters in parallel , all inverters should be connected to the
same ground point to eliminate the possibility of a voltage potential existing
between inverter grounds.
3) Strip the ground cable insulation to a suitable length as shown in Figure 5.7.
4) Insert the tripped wire into the OT terminal crimping area and use the hydraulic
clamp to crimp the terminal to the wire (as shown as Figure 5.8).
After crimping the terminal to the wire, inspect the connection to ensure the
terminal is solidly crimped to the wire.
5) Remove the screw from the heat sink ground point.
6) Use the screw from the ground point the attach the grounding cable.
Tighten the screw securely. Torque is 3Nm (as shown as Figure 5.9).