Effortless tractor control
Massey Ferguson’s innovative transmission controller works
ciently in the background, monitoring and automating routine
operations, relieving operators of repetitive tasks and protecting
your investment.
*Not available on MF 5400 Series
Without any operator input,
the transmission controller
automatically controls
and operates:
• Four-wheel drive operation
• Differential lock operation
• Four-wheel braking
• Transmission speed matching
• Smooth gear shifting
• PTO activation
The transmission controller is
supplied as standard equipment
on all MF 5400, MF 6400, MF 7400
and MF 8600 Series tractors.
Intelligent control
The transmission controller
improves safety, reduces wear
and prevents damage by
monitoring the four-wheel
drive engagement. At speeds
of more than 14 km/h, drive is
disengaged and re-engaged
automatically when the speed falls
below this limit, saving tyre wear
and protecting the transmission.
When the brakes are applied,
four-wheel drive is engaged
automatically and turns off when
the brake pedal is released. It is
also engaged automatically if the
differential lock is activated.
Smart PTO operation
Smooth PTO starting is assured by
the transmission controller, which
monitors and controls engagement
depending on load, protecting the
tractor and implement. The PTO
can be automatically switched off
when the linkage is raised and is
engaged again when the linkage
is lowered*.
Transmission management
The transmission controller
diligently monitors all transmission
functions, smoothly engaging
gears and preventing damage
by, for example, blocking
inappropriate gear selections.
The system manages much of the
operation of Dyna-6, including the
outstanding AutoDrive system.
In this application, both gears
and ranges can be changed
automatically at a pre-set
engine speed.
Among its many functions on the
Dyna-VT tractors, the transmission
controller operates its various
automatic modes as well as
the SV1 and SV2 ‘cruise’
control settings.
Integrated control lifts output*
The Integrated Tractor Control
System (ITCS) option builds on the
transmission controller, providing
even more automatic operation
and control to further ease
operation and boost output.
This system will:
• Automate engine speed changes
• Monitor fuel consumption
• Control wheelslip
• Manage spool valve
• Prioritise hydraulic
ed headland turns
ITCS provides even more headland
control functions on top of the
powerful transmission
controller features.