Installing the Gas Fireplace
16) Now position the front/rear smoke dome parts on top of
Fig. 13-1
dome. These parts require care in leveling, noting the
Building lower
parts have a slight bevel. Check for vertical with level (Fig.
Fig. 13-4
Lower dome
14) Set the remaining lintel as shown in Fig. 13-2.
Fig. 13-2
Lintel assembly
Fig. 13-5
Completed firebox
15) Now you are ready to start the smoke dome assembly.
Take the lower side dome positioned so that the beveled
face lines up with the inward angles of the lintel sides
(see Fig. 13-3). Top surfaces should be level.
Fig. 13-3
Lower side dome
17) As you are connecting each MASON-LITE component, be
certain you are following the instructions given previously
for using MASON-LITE mortar. Stop to look at the smoke
dome side, front and rear walls to see that they are aligning
correctly and that the surfaces be smooth and uniform.
Make sure connections are covered with an adequate
amount of mortar. Remember that you have the option of
using shims and covering them with mortar if you need to.
Make any adjustments to the fireplace alignment before
continuing to the next step.
18) Check your assembly here. If things are proceeding as
they should be, the finished top surface should be flat and
Vent Plate
The first consideration is connecting the Mason-Lite Firebox
to the a B-vent or UL-103 Metal Chimney System is installa-
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