Maintenance of Engine management system
Because of the EFI, there are many possibilities for the engine issues. In other word, one issue may be caused by the mechanical problem
or the EFI components. And the diagnostic tools cannot 100% indicate the root cause. So this manual shows the way to dig out the root cause
with the help of the diagnostic tools.
Maintenance matters needing attention
1) Do not disassemble the components arbitrarily. It may damage the components if the warter or the oil seep into the parts.
2) Turn the ignition off, before connect or disconnect the connectors.
3) Make sure the temperature of the ECU is below 80
4) The fuel pressure is much high ( about 250kPa), so please do not disassemble the fuel pipe arbitrariliy. If have to, pleae release the
pressure at first, and make sure the operation is dilivered in the ventilated environment by the the professional mantenance persons.
Electronic control unit( ECU)
Oxygen sensor