Charging beacons and other details
The Beacon has 5 sensors (transducers) RX1, RX2, RX3, RX4, RX5
DIP switch modes:
1) Power OFF, DFU OFF: charging is possible; beacon is disconnected from power. This
mode is recommended, if you want to keep the battery fully charged for many months
2) Power ON, DFU OFF: normal working mode for beacon. The beacon is fully powered
and wakes up every a few seconds. Power consumption is still minimal, if the beacon
sleeps and the battery can last for many weeks or a few months. It is recommended to
keep the beacon in this mode and to not touch the DIP switch at all, unless you want
to store the beacon on the shelf. Then, the mode 1) is better and recommended
3) Power ON, DFU ON: DFU programming mode. It is used for the very initial SW
uploading or when the HEX SW cannot be uploaded from the Dashboard for some
Charge your board from USB
Charging is done automatically every time, when the USB charger is attached to the board. It takes
1-2h to fully charge the board’s battery
If you plan using charger for permanent power of the beacon, make sure that it is not noisy. The
performance can be monitored by Dashboard => View => Oscilloscope, visit
oscilloscope paragraph
When the board is charged and turned on LED 2 is blinking every few seconds.