Instruction Manual Mi 306 EC/TDS Meter
To store the current reading in memory press the MEM key while in
measurement mode. The LCD will display "Stor" along with the
"SAMPLE" indication and the sample number for a few seconds.
By pressing the MEM key a complete set of information is memorized: date, time, EC/
TDS/NaCl and temperature readings.
Up to 250 samples can be stored into memory.
When the memory is full and the MEM key is pressed, the sample will not be stored and
the LCD will display "FULL". In this case it is necessary to delete some data from memory
to proceed.
To view logged data
To view logged data
To view logged data
To view logged data
To view logged data
To retrieve the memorized information press SHIFT+MR.
The meter displays the day and mounth (upper LCD) and the
number (lower LCD) of the last logged sample. The "ZERO" indica-
tion will be displayed if no samples are stored in memory.
• Select the desired sample number with the arrow keys. Pressing
key while the last sample is displayed causes the meter to
go to the first sample.