To control the functioning of the machine, it is provided with a test lamp. Place the
test lamp on the collar’s contacts and send an impulse with the remote control. If
the collar functions correctly, the lamp will light up with the impulses.
If the lamp doesn’t light up, check the program.
If the dog doesn’t react with the sent impulses, repeat the test on longer dis
tances, to check range-problems.
If there were a range-problem, replace the batteries.
If the collar functions correctly with the test lamp, but that the dog still doesn’t
react, check the contact of the probes with the dog’s skin
4. pLACeMeNT OF The COLLAr ON The dOg
The placement of the collar is very important for a good use of the training col-
lar. If it’s not tightened enough, the probes will not be in contact with the skin,
and the dog will not feel the stimulations. If it’s too tight, the dog will breath
worse, which will decrease it’s athletic performances.
When you place the collar, turn it downwards, and make sure there’s no hair in
between the probes and the skin.